How to get out of a constant bad mood?

Shit has just not been working out for me. I’m sad 24/7. I’m also like high functioning and the only people who really know about it are my best friend and my sisters. Other than that I just feel kind of invisible. Like everybody just sees a pretty girl, or an intimidating person because I come across as very confident and matter of fact, I don’t show my weaknesses. It’s not that I try to act tough (although I used to), it’s just that lately I can’t even muster up a single reason why anybody should know about my increasing depression. I just don’t feel like anybody genuinely cares. It’s not because people are evil or mean, they just have their own problems. I feel like nobody really gives a fuck about me aside from wanting me to be here because they’d be sad if I wasn’t here anymore. But on a daily basis the only person who does reach out to me is my best friend. I hate life rn and I know that things will get better one day because they always do-but i also hate everything right now. Im not suicidal but I am highly frustrated. All I want is a hobby or a an accessible and fulfilling thing to put my energy into. I want to think about something other than sadness. I tried drawing but it’s not as fulfilling because it doesn’t actually do anything to improve my life and feels kind of pointless lately. I want to do something productive and personal-something that can make me feel better every day. I have tried loads of methods to try to cheer myself up or lift my spirits but it’s all temporary. I have no desire to see a doctor or take medication for my sadnesss. I would love to see a therapist but not only do I work 2 jobs, I also have no money nor time to squeeze that in. I was recently ghosted by a guy I started liking. I’m not even mad I’m just disappointed. I feel really alone right now and I was just wondering if anybody has any suggestions on self soothing or hobby suggestions that could improve my mood

How to get out of a constant bad mood?
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