12 d

Is he bad at texting or not interested?

I've been on 3 dates with this guy from Tinder. He always often took hours to reply, unless we were making plans. When we switched to text, I noticed he had read receipts on and would read my texts immediately but then not reply until way later. He'd sometimes apologize for the delay and said once that he forgets to reply. IRL things are great. He brought up on the 1st date that he was thinking of moving later in the year, to a city I'm actually moving to. On the 3rd date, he said he decided for sure he was moving (knowing I am as well). We ended up having sex too.

The problem is that we haven't been able to see each other consistently. After 1st date, I had a week where I had plans every night, so we couldn't see each other for 2 weeks. During this time, he would check-in daily, but due to him being a slow texter we wouldn't text much. After 2nd date, he went on a 2.5 week vacation with friends. He told me he'd reach out after he returned so I wasn't really expecting to hear from him but it seemed odd to not talk for a couple weeks. After 3rd date, I traveled for 2 weeks and he told me to let him know when I got back. I sent him pictures halfway through the trip. He read my text quickly but then didn't reply for 12 hours. I guess he realized he shouldn't leave me on read, because he's started to leave me on delivered. I'm back from my trip and texted him late last night, expecting him to reply before he went to bed, but I'm still on delivered and feeling anxious about it. I'm used to men replying fast, so I don't know what to make of this. I'm trying to keep in mind that he's a busy guy; he's focused at work and goes out almost every night. Also from showing his profile to friends, I noticed he's not super active on Tinder. His location was set to where he previously traveled a few weeks after returning. It changed back to home over the weekend, but his bio still mentions he's there. So at what point should I consider his texting habits a red flag?

Is he bad at texting or not interested?
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