Is it harder for attractive straight men or attractive lesbian women to get hook ups with other women?

Lesbian women have a much more smaller and specialized pool to select from vs guys. I get that. But they also are not as threatening and virtually have no risk of the “creep” factor when approaching other women.

Good looking guys do get a lot more leeway to approach women when all else is equal. But even they have to be cautious of the “creep element”. These problems include:

- The girl they approach might just be in a bad mood.

- She might already be taken by a very possessive boyfriend (unbeknownst to the guy). A lesbian doesn’t have to worry about a violent backlash from a possessive boyfriend/husband unless she is over the top aggressive. Even then she well be dealt with more softly vs another man

- She might be one of the few women who doesn’t find him attractive (while most others do)

- He might inadvertently say or do something off putting when he was trying to come off as confident and funny.

- A lesbian can be more touchy/feely with other woman and has much less risk of having the other person get upset or worse

Overall woman are much less threatening to other women no matter their intentions

However a lesbian/bi girl does have another big challenge of knowing the other girl likes girls or not. Worst case scenario it’s just awkward if the other girl is 100% hetero. But not a big deal.

Lesbian Women
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Is it harder for attractive straight men or attractive lesbian women to get hook ups with other women?
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