How appealing is femininity in a woman? What type of femininity is most attractive to you? What's your definition of feminine?

@ThatDude29 Its a special kind of allure that just captivates. It's very powerful. When a women uses her femininity in the right way she has at her command literally a generation of men. And i don't mean that hyperbolically. And i'm not talking about sexual.

@backdoorman We men are irresistibly attracted to femininity, a fact that seems lost on many of today's women, who it seems have been led to believe femininity = weakness. Trust me when I say that as long as there are straight men in this world, femininity will be power, not weakness.

@hellionthesagereborn I feel like in any other era this question would have a very obvious answer. I don't need a woman to be strong because no matter how strong she will never be as strong as myself. I don't need a woman who acts like a man because I am a man. She can however offer something I can never have which is femininity. She can be nurturing in a way that I cannot provide for myself, she can instill in me a sense of purpose. Men are built to provide and protect women and family. This gives them a reason to strive and a reason to work hard because they have someone to make these sacrifices for. If she chooses the man she is saying he is important enough that she wants and that she trusts in his value enough that she thinks he will pass on the best of himself to her offspring (that's a very big deal). So yes femininity is desired, doesn't mean she can't like masculine things, but it does mean that she will have a certain outlook and a certain behavior that can only be done by women.

@Average_but_not_Joe I've known people who believe being feminine means showing off assets to get attention and girly-girl means doing makeup and going to parties. I am looking for someone that'll have my back when I need it, a partner.
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn
Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas
Kate Moss
Kate Moss
Model profile w/ hat
Model profile w/ hat
Grace Kelly
Grace Kelly
Grace Kelly
Grace Kelly
Clothing by Elisabetta Franchi, Dubai, w/ Arabian mare
Clothing by Elisabetta Franchi, Dubai, w/ Arabian mare
Fashion show backstage, designer unknown
Fashion show backstage, designer unknown
Kate Moss
Kate Moss
Cara Delevigne
Cara Delevigne
It's very appealing.
It's not very appealing.
I feel neutral about this.
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+1 y
@kaewk Femininity to me isn’t about makeup and fake nails. It’s about how you conduct yourself.

@Flamdring The perfect combination is when the woman is not afraid of her own looks without makeup or perfectly done hair; when she can behave as she wants, and not how the society wants her to.

@bigcuband Nails, heels, hair done, soft skin, good smells, tight fitting clothing, these are some of the ways to make me put my coat on a puddle and let a woman cross.

How appealing is femininity in a woman? What type of femininity is most attractive to you? What's your definition of feminine?
25 Opinion