Why is it not socially acceptable for women to have body hair?

It's natural and completely normal for women to have hair on their legs, arms, armpits, right? But society says otherwise.

Most of the time, we hear that body hair is gross/wrong/unnatural. Women who simply choose not to shave and let their bodies grow naturally isn't welcomed. How/and why did this type of thinking started?

I've asked some guys around campus and some admitted that they wouldn't like a girl who chose not to shave (I asked their legs, as an example) because it was gross, others said they didn't care. But it's the type of mixed/uneasy approach for women to just let their bodies stay natural is that confuses me. Why is this? Shaving shouldn't be mandatory but a choice, I think. If some want to, fine! But for those who choose not to - they're met with hostility.

(I'm also working a project for a class about this topic since it isn't one that is talked about frequently. So hearing some opinions would be great!) Thanks
Why is it not socially acceptable for women to have body hair?
5 Opinion