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+1 y

What are you're thoughts about injectable wires put into peoples brains?

Dude - Parkinson's is fuckin miserable to live with. If this can help, I'm for it! Trending & News

+1 y

Taking another girl as a plus one to a wedding?

What's wrong with going stag? Honestly, I've never understood the whole bringing a guest to a wedding thing... if the guest you're bringing isn't involved in the couples life, it's gonna be boring... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Will I lose weight by changing to a high protein/fruits/vegetable diet?

Almost certainly, yup. Unless you vastly increase your caloric intake anyways. Health & Fitness

+1 y

I'm not looking for a relationship right now- truth or bullshit?

I think people generally mean it. Even if some2said it and then ended up dating someone else not much later. Sometimes meeting the right person makes you suddenly ready when you weren't before. Relationships

+1 y

If you could spend 24 hours with any celebrity/famous person, who would it be?

Either Norman Reedus or Rupert Grint. They both seem like super cool guys and I think we would have a fuckin blast! If I were single I'd definitely want to bone either one of them, but being... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Girls, Is it ok to grab her ass while dancing?

Is she pulling you in closer? Grinding? Acting overtly sexual? Then maybe... but you need to read the situation, dude, and if you're not 100% sure, then don't. Or ask. Never, EVER just walk... Flirting

+1 y

Girls, who do you think is the most attractive actor?

Most of those I'm not super into. Jason Eckles is pretty hot tho. And Ian Somerholder, but really it's just his eyes. Society & Politics

+1 y

What kind of foods should I include in my diet to help burn tummy fat?

Cut out/down processed foods and added sugars and replace with whole foods - whole grains, fruits, veggies and lean meats. Make your meals veggie centric rather than meat and carb centric. Avocado... Health & Fitness

+1 y

The question to end all questions ! Pizza or sandwich?

Depends on my mood, and also what kind of pizza / sandwich. If I'm craving one, the other just won't do. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do men prefer to be WANTED or NEEDED?

I think it's weird to prefer to be needed than wanted.. like, if someone needs you that doesn't necessarily mean they're there because they love you... that doesn't feel satisfying to me. I want... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

How can guys win arguments with girls?

By arguing respectfully... actually acknowledging her feelings and talking about your own and figuring out what the real issue is instead of just brushing everything she says off as her being... Relationships

+1 y

Hey what do you guys do to control your junk food habits?

Don't keep junk food in the house or at your desk/toolbox at work. Keep healthy alternatives on hand. Don't deprive yourself when you really really really want a particular thing but set it up so... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Thoughts on France making it illegal to wear burkinies?

It's stupid. People can wear what they want. Trending & News

+1 y

My boyfriend makes fun of my body is that a valid reason to leave him?

"Don't get me wrong he is a good boyfriend" ... no, he's not. He's an emotionally abusive boyfriend who is also controlling. A partner should make you feel good about yourself, not worse. You... Relationships

+1 y

Most popular alcohol brands for ages 21-26 ?

I'd you don't drink, why were you asked to provide alcohol? That seems weird.. And what people like depends on the individuals. If you bring beer bring an easy drinking lager - something... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you think it's cruel and selfish to keep severely disabled people alive?

If they're completely unable to function and can't socialize in a meaningful way then, honestly, yeah it is cruel to force them to exist. What is the point? So they can sit there and exist for the... Society & Politics

+1 y

Can you guys tell me easy beginner cooking recipes?

What kind of stuff do you want? Baking? Meals? Meat centric? Vegetarian? Healthy? Health & Fitness

+1 y

Guys, would you date a girl with an unnatural hair color?

At my age, I think people should have grown out of it by now and taken to a more professional style (though some people manage to pull off crazy colours while still looking profesh - props to... Fashion & Beauty

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