How to find a career that best fits me?

probably around a week or 2 ago, I was like "ok, now that I am out of college, I will just get a full-time job somewhere else and save up to move out and keep working." But literally today, I came home from work and my mom and dad were like we want you to go back to college but a different one to get some kind of degree. They want me to find a career in the next week or so, but I have no idea what to do. Like I barely know what I like, I know my interests but those do nothing for me. Cooking/baking- they could but I don't want that as my career, sports, and that's really it. This is another question I need help with, so with the last sentence I feel like I lost myself after the past few years, it has been very stressful, and literally only school, work, and watching football and that's it forget anything else. But how do I find out what I could be interested in? This is very frustrating for me because how does one forget who they are without having something happen to them?
How to find a career that best fits me?
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