For those of you who are multilingual, which language (s) is the worst when it comes to ambiguity and expressing yourself?

I came across an article that stated the English language had the highest conveyed Information Rate (IR). IR was calculated as a...

Do you remember the first day you went to preschool?

was a good or bad experience?

Will it effect my credit?

i have been apply for a loan to multiple loan companies for a vehicle to start my job and i have no previous credit i haven’t done...

Do you believe that if you want something badly enough, you will find a way to get it as long as you play by the rules and don't cheat the system?

I know average I. q. people that wanted competitive jobs and it took over 25 years but they got the job they had been working for their...

I already have thoughts of quitting my new job 2 weeks in, HELP?

I've only been on the job 2 weeks w/a non profit it's good pay with perks... but I can't stand my Manager and another person started...

Is it acceptable to go into a good job (long term potential) rather than go to school?

I started with a company at a decent level (not going into particulars). It pays really well for my age with advancement opportunities....

I can't swim, should I even bother going to the business trip where everyone will be in the pool?

The business trip is a nice stay at a very beautiful mountain hotel with a large pool. The problem is I can't swim. Should I even...
3 2

Were you in a day care center when you were under the age of 6? Do you regret being at a day care rather than being at home?

When I was a child, day care centers were very uncommon. There were far more stay-at-home moms and there was more extended family...
24 24

To all fellow adults, do you miss going to high school and to all high school students, are you enjoying high school?

I hated my high school experience but how about you guys and girls are you enjoying high school and wish you could stay?
38 70

How do you process information what style learning are you?

how do you prefer to learn? watching, doing, listening or reading. i am more of a doing myself person and visual like looking at...
1 7

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