Do you believe that if you want something badly enough, you will find a way to get it as long as you play by the rules and don't cheat the system?

I know average I. q. people that wanted competitive jobs and it took over 25 years but they got the job they had been working for their whole lives. I know blind people that got Bs at elite schools cause they worked very very very very hard to complete their degrees. My friend had a professor who spent over ten years in undergrad before getting his PhD because he had traumatic health issues when he was a teenager but later he became a professor at U of T. I I know people who spent over 13 years in college before getting into med school at Ivy League institutions so they got into the school of their dreams but they had to study 9 years longer then all the other med school applicants who applied to the school. I also know normal I. Q. people that became millionaires from working 14 hour days.

Do you believe that if you want something badly enough, you will find a way to get it as long as you play by the rules and don't cheat the system?
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