Polls: Education & Career

Do you think a coworker should stick up for you if they see another coworker mistreating you?

One coworker tells me it is not their job. I say yes because we are a team...
One coworker tells me it is not their job. I say yes because we are a team... Show More
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Can this site be trusted for English proficiency level?

I'm not a native speaker but I've taken an English proficiency test of a site called English radar. The test includes 60 questions. It says your English level is C1 . Can this site.
I'm not a native speaker but I've taken an English proficiency test of a site called English radar. The test includes 60 questions. It says your English level is C1 . Can this site. Show More
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I'm sorry I made arrangements assuming I'd be off today
Sure, I can work
Didn't answer
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Do you miss college?

I feel nostalgic because it was the best time of my life so far.
I feel nostalgic because it was the best time of my life so far. Show More
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If you were rich, would you put your children in private school?

Aim talking about spaicel private international school. When you're children will stay 11 months. In school and only one month vacation
Aim talking about spaicel private international school. When you're children will stay 11 months. In school and only one month vacation Show More
Yes ( i want him to have good education)
No ( i will put him in public schools it's same adduction)
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Is work your heaven or your personal hell?

For me it's torturous. I hate my job with a passion. I just want to leave it so bad. It's my personal hell. Or is it just meh. Like you don't feel anything towards it. It's just a job.
For me it's torturous. I hate my job with a passion. I just want to leave it so bad. It's my personal hell. Or is it just meh. Like you don't feel anything towards it. It's just a Show More
Meh, it's just a job
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What is your preference? Show More
1 🙂🙂
3 🙂🙂
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Would the students of the private schools more spoiled and naughty than students of public schools because of being richer?

I've worked at 2 private and 2 public schools. the students of public schools were way better. are the students of private schools usually more spoiled and naughty than students of public schools because of being rich
I've worked at 2 private and 2 public schools. the students of public schools were way better. are the students of private schools usually more spoiled and naughty than students of Show More
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Should homeschooling be illegal?

Think of homeschooling as putting an extra 5 points on scheming and 5 less points on social skills I was homeschooled k-12 After 4th grade my parents stopped caring
Think of homeschooling as putting an extra 5 points on scheming and 5 less points on social skills I was homeschooled k-12 After 4th grade my parents stopped caring Show More
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KGB (Russia)
MOSSAD (Israel)
MIT (Turkey)
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Is no job a red flag?

I recently met this guy. Seems pretty nice. He has similar interests. Unfortunately, lives a couple of hours away but he wants to eventually move closer to where I live (he lives in the middle of nowhere, I live in a...
I recently met this guy. Seems pretty nice. He has similar interests. Unfortunately, lives a couple of hours away but he wants to eventually move closer to where I live (he lives in Show More
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Would you agree the reason for Warren Buffets success?

Is that he reduces his losses. In essence, it's difficult to overcome a loss. So, he buys companies that have a strong "moat" of protection, confident customer base and brand that have good return on investment. That...
Is that he reduces his losses. In essence, it's difficult to overcome a loss. So, he buys companies that have a strong "moat" of protection, confident customer base and brand that have Show More
No, it's this...
I don't know
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Would you work in a company where they give free breakfast/lunch but they dont provide free toilet paper?

Overtime doesn't pay Time of work is 5:30 am to 7:30 pm Free food breakfast and lunch but they dont provide toilet paper to employees in bathroom just water. (Maybe they think its costsly?) Cashier job in...
Overtime doesn't pay Time of work is 5:30 am to 7:30 pm Free food breakfast and lunch but they dont provide toilet paper to employees in bathroom just water. (Maybe they think its Show More
I want to work there
I dont want to work there
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I'm good, not necessarily great
No, I suck at my current job/career, and need to make a change
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How long would you say is "acceptably normal" to miss work due to COVID or flu?

I became symptomatic by Sunday. Sunday night into Monday was the worst. I tested positive on Monday and was prescribed an antiviral medication. Tuesday I was still feeling bad. Wednesday I started easing back into work by...
I became symptomatic by Sunday. Sunday night into Monday was the worst. I tested positive on Monday and was prescribed an antiviral medication. Tuesday I was still feeling bad. Show More
Less than 3 days
3 to 5 days
Somewhere more than 5 days
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What is it that made you stay in the job you currently have?

I work two jobs currently, one is really easy for me to do and pays slightly above minimum wage and the other pays really well. I’ve found a balance between the two for now and I’m pretty happy with it.
I work two jobs currently, one is really easy for me to do and pays slightly above minimum wage and the other pays really well. I’ve found a balance between the two for now and I’m pretty happy with it.
The pay is as good as I can get
I want this job to be my career
The work is relatively low stress even if the pay’s not great
I don’t have any other options for work
I really like the people I work with and don’t want to quit
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If an AI was given choice of perfect love (good) or the knowledge and good and evil... and it chose the later, what would you do?

Would you disconnect from it immediately? That is what's recorded in Genesis 1-3 in the Bible... God (s) disconnected from humans that made that choice. Why... because by definition, "learning evil" will be learned by...
Add Opinion 3 6

Should girls join the police?

Im thinking about my career and I really dont want to have a boring job. Should i join the police? And i dont mean some office work for police i mean like "street" police. (I know you have to do both at least in my...
Im thinking about my career and I really dont want to have a boring job. Should i join the police? And i dont mean some office work for police i mean like "street" police. (I know you Show More
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