Should emojis be accepted as words?

Language and letter use change over time often in conjunction with new technology. For example, the typewriter killed off words like...

Should we use the letters æ and œ more in English?

Back in the good old days English had letters like œ and æ which were used to spell words like hæmatology, archæology, fæces, antennæ,...

On Friday at work I was working the salad bar and one of the supervisors from another building complimented me about the salad bar?

And my one coworker who doesn’t like me looked mad and also when I said hello to my supervisors husband. I was wondering why she would...

Did you play any instruments growing up?

In art school, I studied playing piano and for 7 years, it took 7 years to graduate. My brother studied playing violin.
11 21

I suck at my job no mater how hard try, what would you do?

I’m entering my third month at my new job, undergoing a six-month training where you learn new skills every couple of weeks....

I’m having a mini life crisis - what would you do in my situation?

I am having a turning 30 life dilemma or crisis or breakdown and I’m not sure what I want my next steps in life to be. I have been given...

Do you have any regrets on not pursuing a particular career field?

If you don't feel like writing, just answer the poll, thank you girls and guys!
5 18

Would you rather work with girls or guys? Why?

Does it make a difference in your opinion?
27 69

Would you work your dream job if it meant you only got paid in scrip?

Would you work your absolute dream job if it meant instead of taking a salary, you were only paid in scrip (store credit)? This can be...
0 6

I don't feel secure in my job because of this... should I shrug it off, look for a new job, or?

I've been working for this company as a Medical Transcriptionist for 6 months now. I do my job well and kick ass on what I do. I...
2 1

Should I take notes during lectures for computer programming?

I haven't taken notes since I was in university a few years ago where I took social sciences. I've since transferred to college after I...
0 3

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