Do You Know Who Sings this Song and the Song's Title?

I don't have a way to find out, besides what I was searching on google and youtube, which I can't figure out who sings this and what the title is. Do you know "why" He says, he does these things to her, because 'he loves her'? Earlier today, I kept repeating the song, because I liked it, but, then the more I was listening, am not too sure...
Sorry in advance if you don't like the song.
+1 y
I just figured out what it means... my view on it anyway. Is She is bothered by something and hurting while being silent, to where it is hurting him too, and when he attacks her, is when he had "snapped". He doesn't mean to hurt her with his words, He's just trying to help her, because, He loves her.
+1 y
Or... it could be the other way around on his part. He loves her. He is the one who's hurting, all while she's trying to help him figure things out, but, he wants to figure it out on his own, because with her trying to help, may make things harder for him to figure things out.
Do You Know Who Sings this Song and the Song's Title?
2 Opinion