- 1 y
I'm the preacher who would convert them to the religion founded by @bean2k21
The process of converting zombies into the Orgasmosphere founder's religion involves instilling a belief system in them that provides a clear set of rules, expectations and understandings regarding their behaviour. In particular, the belief that collecting coom is a key to their afterlife gives them an incentive to collect as much coom as possible, as they're already half way in the afterlife. Additionally, the increased motivation provided by this religious belief combined with the inherently lacking levels of inhibition present in zombies can lead to extraordinary efficiency in their collection efforts. Furthermore, I will make a green face while preaching of the Orgasmospheric religion, which may also encourage cooperation among zombies, and can further amplify the efficiency at which they can collect the coom needed to achieve the key to unlock the afterlife.
11 Reply
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- 1 y
Survive? I'd make a fortune farming those Zombie motherf#*kers from EU grants and subsidies.
42 Reply- 1 y
Lmao 🤣🤣😂
- 1 y
Wait... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- 1 y
Yes, it definitely helps that my town only has 200 people in it and we are long ways from the next town over, that means tops I only need 200 to 300 rounds to take out the entire town if they were all zombies.
Plus I grew up on a farm, I know how to raise animals and plant crops, I could go back to the family farm and hopefully with other family members be self sufficient.
20 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
336 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. Many zombie movies and games have zombies that are more dangerous than classic zombies, our zombies are different trope, and even with classic zombies, you might be able to take them one on one, but they tend to come with great numbers, and they can infect you with a scratch, in addition to that there is the beware the living trope, you might face human psychopaths who are more dangerous than the undead. My survival skills are not great and I am not particularly lucky, so I would likely not survive a zombie apocalypse.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/nPbsDmzZ3Oc10 Reply- 1 y
I think I would be one of the zombies as I received three Covid vaccinations in the crisis. Dies that count as "surviving"?
My daughter refused to get vaccinated and she promised to try and take care of me once I zombify in a few years.
10 Reply Well, I’m able to run pretty fast but I’m bad with weapons, so I’ll last a few days.
22 Reply- 1 y
You can learn. Just need someone willing to teach weapons
- 1 y
Must be horrible being so scared of your neighbours of course I wouldn't know poof
- 1 y
I am a zombie, especially after too many cappuchino's, so I vote yes.
11 Reply- 1 y
Result 😄
Expectation: Me, holding a rifle, on top of a secured grocery store, picking out zombies.
Reality: I am one of the zombies being picked out by the dude with a rifle on top of a secured grocery store.
10 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)1 y
I'm kinda bisexual and in a relationship with my girlfriend right now. I guess I would find the strongest possible guy I could to protect and provide for me and I'd even encourage my girlfriend to do the same or share that guy with me. For that guy protecting and providing for me and/or my girlfriend I would do anything he wanted sexually or otherwise.
00 Reply - 1 y
World War Z Movie zombies, probably not for long unless I almost immediately got to safe, heavily armed zone. Most others? Unless I got really careless, the other non-zombies would be much more of a threat than the zombies would be.
20 Reply - 1 y
Y'all have zero confidence in yourselves. I would fuck a zombie apocalypse right up the ass. I hope it happens, it's my dream
10 Reply - 1 y
These sorts of situations tend to bring out my A-Game, but I'm not sure. I have my bad days. A single bad day might mess up my whole shit.
10 Reply - 1 y
At first yes… but I wouldn’t last more than a month.
10 Reply - 1 y
Probably not cause i know they won't be so easy to kill but i can say id survive a good while
10 Reply 1.2K opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. Stop telling people how!
that’s just more competition for the remaining food. if they can figure it out, let them be
10 Reply- 1 y
As long as I access my medicine, otherwise, I might have a seizure and become a zombie, myself.
10 Reply We are currently surviving it let’s see how it goes
Why do you ask the question as if it’s fake or a fantasy..00 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)1 y
Depends. Walking dead absolutely? 28 days later? Not so much.
10 Reply I always thinking of it... Sitting some place... Just imagining if people start eating eachother what i will go from here... it's weird i think... But its surviving technique as well
00 ReplyIf I has the resources? Possibly. As I am right now? I'd probably be one of the guys who stays too long in one place and dies first.
00 Reply- 1 y
Probably not, reality is always worse then movies
10 Reply 4.9K opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. Yes, I would also survive a liberal apocalypse.
53 Reply- 1 y
Let's team up and design a virtual reality game!
Here's how I see it...
We'll have China about to invade Taiwan.
Iran is about two days away from developing nukes.
America is laundering billions with Ukraine.
Russia is about to nuke us.
China is aligning with Russia, Iran and Saudi.
Fentanyl is killing thousands.
The leader of the free world can't form a sentence.
And the player's goal, is to take out Stormy Daniels with a poisonous blow dart! Are you in?
- 1 y
Yeah I’ll just go somewhere where there might be any zombies and just not make any noise for as long as possible
00 Reply - 1 y
I’d be scared so definitely no
20 Reply 1.3K opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. If I had a bunker and tons of food n water like Cloverfield lane lol if not probably not
00 Reply- 1 y
Maybe for a few days but then we'd all be toast.
10 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
just feed them george soros and bill gates larry fink klaus schwab scooter braun that should keep them filled for a while
00 Reply Sure thing. I got full case of guns and ammo.
10 Reply- 1 y
No. I don't like brains.
10 Reply - 1 y
This is an OKCupid Question lol
10 Reply 508 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. I own 8 guns🤣🤣🤣🤣
10 Reply585 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. I fucking love zombies
10 ReplyI definitely would.
10 Reply1.7K opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. Yeap
10 Reply- 1 y
I'm well armed.
10 Reply
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