Shorts for short, stocky legs?

Im 5'1, and because I have a broader body frame, my legs are also thicker. My outer thighs are muscular, inner thighs are a bit flabbier. I run, workout, eat relatively healthy and all of that. No matter what, they never slim down (yes my thighs touch).

Usually short girls are supposed to wear short shorts to elongate their legs. Girls with thick legs are supposed to wear bermuda shorts but bermuda shorts are supposed to make short girls look shorter.

I have worn bermuda shorts, and although they are cute, they remind me of the days when I was about 20 pounds heavier, so to have to wear them makes me feel a bit defeated.

Shorts are weird for me, they are either too short and emphasize my thighs, or they are a bit too long and make them look stumpy, or they are full on bermuda shorts.

Lately I've been wearing either jeans, flowy skirts, or pencil skirts to just avoid the whole thighs thing. I want shorts, real shorts, but I have no idea what ones to wear, or if I can even wear them.
+1 y
Heres my thighs.



My feet are a bit apart, but naturally my thighs touch a bit.
Shorts for short, stocky legs?
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