One Fast Food Employee's Request for Respect

One fast food employee's request for respect On my way to my next shift. I just worked 12 hours for my caregiving job, and I have an 8...
10 25

8 Unusual Wedding Cakes

1. The Decoration Cake Is there actually cake under all of that? I wouldn't even want to cut it or know how to. If this was my cake no...
9 10

Three Ways to Actually Get a Real Breakfast Down Your Throat

Breakfast often times gets no love. A lot of people skip breakfast or always rely on boxed cereals to get them through the morning, but...
6 10

A Sinfully Good Lasagna That's a Guaranteed Food Orgasm

Since the theme of today's Valentines Day was #LoveYourself I decided I would love myself by treating myself with a gorgeous lasagna and...
20 15

5 Reasons To Put an Apron On and Get Cooking

1. I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-C-E A lot of people in relationships with a spouse or significant other who does all the cooking, take that for...
0 4

Does "Moral Eating" really exist? What Do We Know About Our Food? ----- Vegans' Discretion Is Advised. Read At Your Own Risk.

I will start by saying: This Take is not for the simpleminded people. I'm not taking any sides, yet Im here to bring the other awful...
3 8

15 Foods That Made Me Give Up On Humanity

1. Mayo On French Fries Is the world not a bad enough place? 2. Black Licorice I died inside the first and last time I ate black...
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What is your favorite Gatorade flavor?

There's over 25 flavors, so it is impossible to make a poll! What flavor is your favorite? Why that one over all the others?
11 14

Cage vs. free-range eggs: Which do you buy & why?

what type of eggs do you buy and whats the reason why?
17 24

What's the best substitute for coffee?

My doctor made me swear off coffee, processed sugar, and all dairy products and now I have no idea how to live my life 😭

What is your favorite desert?

I love almost anything with cream cheese in it.

I just turned 21 years old! What drink/alcohol beverage would you recommend me to try?

Tell me your favorite alcohol drink too. Maybe I'll give those a try as well. I'm finally legal to buy alcohol but have no idea what to...

How long do you wait to be served at a restaurant?

What's the longest you'd wait between entering a restaurant and getting served? How long is 'too long' to be waiting for food at a...

Is it normal to eat a whole container of Ben and Jerry’s all at once?

I was calculating the calories and it was 1,190! Like do people eat it over a couple of days or something. I just assumed you eat it all...
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Does your father cook?

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