5 Reasons To Put an Apron On and Get Cooking

BeeNee a
5 Reasons To Put an Apron On and Get Cooking

1. I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-C-E

A lot of people in relationships with a spouse or significant other who does all the cooking, take that for granted and never even attempt to do any cooking for themselves, but in life, nothing is certain. You could break up, they could be sick or injured for a long time, sadly they could pass, they could be gone on vacation for a week and then what? Having to rely on restaurants, other people, and take-out isn't always the best. You are dependent on their schedule, on them not giving you food poisoning, on them having what you want to eat, and them being open or you must hope that your spouse or significant other always feels like cooking or is able to, which may not be the case.

2. Helps you maintain your weight

Food labels are not always accurate and neither are restaurant calorie lists if they even have them available. It is important on a nutritional level, to know what is going in your body especially if you already have weight issues. Cooking your own food ensures you can control portions and know just how much fat, sugar, and salt is going in.

3. It's darn right impressive

5 Reasons To Put an Apron On and Get Cooking

It is increasingly becoming more rare that people actually cook meals anymore vs. having something dumped out of a can, or from the freezer, or take-out, but if you want to impress someone and endear them to you, make them a meal. Everyone in this life wants to be nurtured and taken care of in some form or another, and this is one skill that helps you do that and connect to those around you through their stomachs.

4. Keep the cooking traditions in your family alive

Nana's famous Christmas cake, your fathers traditional cultural stew, your aunt's soup which is a surefire way to cure any cold...don't let your traditions and your best food memories die out because you don't want to learn. You have the ability to learn these things and then pass them on to future generations.

5. It's easier than ever to learn on your own

5 Reasons To Put an Apron On and Get Cooking

Cooking used to be something a mom, or the chef in the family, or a class would have had to teach you or you'd have to sort through a bunch of dusty cookbooks and try to learn it on your own, but thanks to the internet, even if no one ever tries to teach you, there are so many videos and cooking channels that can walk you through anything step by step. There really is no excuse anymore for not having had a teacher.

5 Reasons To Put an Apron On and Get Cooking
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