Why do women want to tear down men who want to protect their place in life?

It would seem that women don't want strong men. Women are becoming more and more resentful of men who wish to protect the way that they were raised. Chivalry is becoming more of a hostile act to modern day feminist. How can a man protect his family if today's women does not want a man that can hold up the house and still get whipped while his girl gives birth in the very house he's holding up. You wonder why more and more men are not standing beside their women in commitment in dignity or even when a new life is born. It's easier for the man to just pack up his bags and leave because society has told us that "Those men are no longer needed". This world that tells women how "Not" to be women and men to not defend their place in the family is toxic and creates more women who hate men than men who hate women. Feminism has its place and even today's women are pushing it more and more till you will no longer have men to defend their women and country.

It's like the modern feminist is portraying it's idle "man" to be weak pathetic pushovers who cowers away the moment his existence is threatened. To be subservient to the woman's whim and never question her logic and thought.

What's so toxic for a man who wants to provide for his family? A man can't replace a mother and the way her brain is wired to care for a newborn. A man can fight to protect all that he cares for and loves but even that is being regarded as being "Toxic masculinity" in today's modern family values.
Why do women want to tear down men who want to protect their place in life?
3 Opinion