Currently I have a crush on my classmate now, at first when college started I was having zero interest in her. But she kept glancing at me during lunch break and when are path crossed, even though I was not interested in her at first, but after number of weeks I started to think about her and now I have a crush on her.
But now when I started to glance in her direction she ignores me like I am non existent also change her direction (I think she finds me needy/creepy now). But when I am not looking in her direction or when we cross paths she glances at me.
What should I do when she glances, should I look directly in her eyes or just ignore? I don't want to appear needy/creepy also how female judge male they are creepy or not when they don't even talk to each Other? I just want to get over this ASAP.
Note-- We don't talk to each other.
Sorry guys this is my first time asking such type of question, Also I stumbled upon this website when searching for answer.
Any insights you can give me on this?