- Anonymous(25-29)23 d
It depends on the girl honestly. If it’s because she’s not a very good person that’s one thing.
Look some people have little friends because they don’t trust a lot of people. Some people think they’re mean (ironically many of these people are mean) because they’re very blunt and can see straight through peoples bullshit. But when you are their friend or especially a significant other. They are loyal and just absolutely amazing people.
There’s people who pretend to be nice and have a lot of friends. But they back stab people. It feels so special to be around someone who genuinely likes you and yoh know they like you. As well as have time for you.
Nothing against people who have lots of friends. But you know they don’t have a lot of time because everyone else wants attention.
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- Anonymous(36-45)22 d
Depends on the woman. I wouldn't want to date someone who was extremely introverted. There's shy, quiet... which might be ok... and then there's TOO shy and quiet.
Sometimes having a few good genuine friends says something important about a woman over some shallow relationships but she claims to have 100 "real" friends.
I'd want her to have hobbies - a life outside of me. If she does a book club, a bible study, and something else once a month, over every weekend getting wasted and having to go clubbing all the time, I'd rather date someone who doesn't do as much over the one constantly going to wild parties.00 Reply
- Anonymous(25-29)24 d
It’s not a red flag. Some people have social anxiety and autism that prevents these things. I think people who always need to have friends around are a red flag. Those tend to be the most two faced people in general.
Anyways, most men don’t care. And if they do, fuck em.213 Reply- 23 d
Also deeply unhappy people who always need friends around as they lack happiness and self contentment
- 23 d
Whata wrong with that? What if you have abusive people in your life? Does that mean you shouldn't need friends?
- Opinion Owner23 d
@Monalisa77 You don’t need friends at all. Most friend groups are built on jealousy and drama, not genuine connection.
- 23 d
So im supposed to stay miserable in an abusive household?
- 23 d
Not sure how people can be jealous of me lol
- Opinion Owner23 d
@Monalisa77 No one said you can’t have friends. I said you don’t have to be friends to be happy nor is not having friends a red flag. In fact the most evil two faced fake people have the most friends because they need people to manipulate. If your household is bad having friends isn’t going to change your situation, hun. It’s just helping you temporarily escape from it.
- Opinion Owner23 d
@Monalisa77 Not to mention you’re in your late 30’s so not sure what mental issues you’re facing where you’re still living at home.
- 23 d
Well i can't move out on my own and your saying i shouldn't have friends, so what am i to do then? I think ur only basing that on ur own experiences, people can have real friends
- Opinion Owner23 d
@Monalisa77 I didn’t say YOU shouldn’t have friends. I don’t even know who you are.
And no, I’m basing it off of logic. Most friend groups I’ve ever had have been toxic and based on jealousy and envy. When I started to improve my life I had less friends. This has been said by plenty of people.
Your situation seems to be fucked. No offense but you’re pushing 40 and if your home life is effecting you so much you don’t need friends. You need a psychiatrist evaluation. - Opinion Owner23 d
@Monalisa77 And I just read your profile and it seems you are struggling with mental health issues. You are not who I am discussing I am talking about the normal fully functional adult who lives independently. Not someone with severe mental issues to where they need supervision.
- 23 d
I don't see what the difference is. Im looking fot a boyfriend and the q is does having no friends mean a red flag. I dont need supervision, i just nees a little help in life n people to stop being horrible to me
- 23 d
I also commented about being abused in my first post, so it should have had the same outcome
- Opinion Owner23 d
@Monalisa77 There’s a big difference. Most 36 year olds are married with children. I am 27 and haven’t lived at home since I was 19. You obviously have something mentally going on as to why you still live at home or culturally. It’s fine. I was also abused physically and emotionally so i understand but still am an independent adult. If you’re not I’m not trying to shame but let’s be real that you are not living as an independent person if you need help living.
- 24 d
The reason you have a social life is that you don't work or do chores for a living and just tell lies for 20 hours a day to random people you know.
Your increasing brain damage means that soon, not even a 3 year old child will believe your lies.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
422 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. It doesn’t bother me if she doesn’t have many friends , as long as she is loving and caring and loyal to me that’s all that matters , I am not the kind of guy that needs constant space from a girl , I think people that demand space are clearly selfish and up to no good. When I give my heart to a girl , I am expected hers in return. I prefer her to be by my side as much as possible , I don’t exclude her from anything , if she is my partner she is included I consider her my best friend and lover. I wouldn’t be with her , if she wasn’t. I’m not saying I have to hold her hand at all times , but I like her to know she is important to me and that I love and value her and appreciate her. Hoping she does the same for me in return. When a girl brings happiness into my life , I do my best to keep happiness in hers. I don’t date a girl to bring misery into her life , so I expect the same in return. Girls’ that bring misery into my life , I kick them to the curb where they belong.
20 ReplyI really don't think about that not unless I know that person and if I know that person I'm going to say hey what are you doing. Time to get out and get some fresh air and do something fun. Because as a friend I can see and I feel things deeper than most people and I would feel something about her that she can't see herself maybe so it would be time to be spontaneous and say come on you're coming with me
00 Reply368 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. I think that it's good, because girls like that are more likely to be virgins, don't they? :)
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)23 d
In all honesty, based on reading these response too from men, it’s not a big deal to us. I think men would prefer that a girl not be some social butterfly online. Draws too much attention. A lot of men like simple, down to earth women. I don’t need all this online stuff, drama, men chasing her, etc, etc. No this isn’t an insecurity either. I know a number of women will say it is.
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)23 d
I don’t trust people, they just want my time for their gain. I’ll pass.
Also friend I did have all are drunks, annoying married people, having babies or having them taken away and I find all that very draining.
I’d rather smoke a joint or two and explore the beach or stay in and enjoy my shows.10 Reply 387 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Depends on how she interacts with me. There are possibly negative reasons she has minimal number of friends and possible positive reasons for her to have few.
I might take a while longer to commit whilst I figure it out but that is about all.00 ReplyI may not be the best to ask about this one but thanks to my own issues in life I’m more or less a homebody that have a few friends I still keep in touch with on occasion. Personally if I’m attracted and in a relationship with a girl the most important thing to me is if we keep each other happy not a popularity contest with others. Like I said though that’s my opinion I’m sure I’m in the minority on such a thing I hope I’m not for your sake.
00 Reply- 22 d
They think that they r boring... They also feel that if she doesn't have much friends then she is loyal willing to do everything for him as no one is there to influence her or teach her what to do..
00 Reply probs would be a red flag to a lot of them, then some might like it since it means they'll have more time with the girl and she's less likely to have temptations.
00 Reply1.2K opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. It seems a little odd to be completely antisocial this way, whether you're a guy or a girl. Controlling, toxic guys will like that because they'll see you're easily isolated and manipulated.
00 Reply- 1 d
I think it's unhealthy when a girl has a ton of friends tbh. When girls have huge numbers of friends I feel that relationships tend to be superficial. The less friends they have the more depth I think they have
00 Reply 990 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. I can't blame you, given that the average people you encounter are probably yelling "FREE PALESTINE" or "VOTE TRUMP" or always find something, that they don't like in you or appear creepy.
00 Reply- 24 d
It really depends on the why here. If you don't allow people to get to know you, it's very easy for them to jump to conclusions.
10 Reply I told my boyfriend that I have no friends and he said it’s good so he could have me all to himself lol
00 Reply- 24 d
I guess it depends on the reason why, but I generally don't think anything one way or another.
00 Reply 327 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. As long as she has some real friends. Women with no real friends are usually narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths.
01 Reply832 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. That she’s not needy of friends to be happy. And prob far more intelligent.
00 ReplyPersonally, I would think: cool, someone like me. I wouldn't have any other judgements or assumptions.
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)24 d
Man or woman, it would be a red flag to most people.
01 Reply- New 24 d
But they should get to know them n their situation, there might be a simple explanation
Even I'm similar to that & girls will call me boring.
00 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)23 d
I’m curious to know this too because I have no friends either
10 Reply - 24 d
It doesn’t really impact my opinion of them.
00 Reply - 22 d
Not good. If she’s got no social life
00 Reply It's very understandable nowadays..
00 ReplyI don’t think much of it.
00 ReplyI don't think about anything
01 Reply- 23 d
Sometimes I just sits and thinks. And sometimes I just sits.
- 22 d
They're low maintenance and I may like them
00 Reply - 23 d
There is nothing wrong with that.
00 Reply 544 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. ID SAY SHE SOUNDS JUST LIKE ME
00 Reply- 24 d
I don't care.
00 Reply
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