Why Be Good When You Can Be Bad?

I’ve stumbled upon a MyTake on here titled “ I’m a ‘’Good Girl’’ in This Day and Age ’’, and I thought it would be appropriate to share...
29 65

How to React to Girls on Their Periods

So, I just wanted to do a little chat about how I feel about girls, women or whatever you would like to address them as and their...
56 32

Things Girls Worry About That Guys Don’t Actually Care About

Whether your breasts are the same size. Having different-sized breasts is perfectly normal. We guys don't even know if you have...
32 60

How Girls Should Respond on Dating Sites

Girls should give more consideration regarding responding to guys on dating sites. I know a lot of girls will get mad at me because they...
4 21

How Do You Feel About Women Wearing Thong Bikinis at the Beach?

This Take is an attempt to get to the bottom of whether there is a cultural divide on how people view the human body between the...
48 69

Why Are Girls Randomly Hot and Cold? Here's Why...

Ever wondered why she sometimes ignores texts for hours, or even until the next day, but then continues texting normal like nothing...
4 10

If You Show Interest in Someone, Good Luck Keeping Them

This is only a mytake because I dont know if there really is an answer to this, just wondering if anyone else ever thinks about this....
3 8

Does it matter if I wear tighty whities?

So, my mom accidentally bought tighty whities instead of boxer briefs last week and I didn't want to return them, so I've been wearing...

If a girl wants you to sit next to her does she like you?

This girl was waving to me to sit beside her on the bus home but it was empty. She sat beside me all the time at college without asking....

Guys, How to stop being jealous when I see my crush talk to other girls?

I get super jealous on the inside but I try to pretend im not.

Are women genuinely insecure over their breast size?

What's your breast size and are you actually insecure about them like the guys here?

Men Flashing cock?

Why do girls freak out or run quickly if you come upon a guy flashing his dick. I mean once you've seen one you've seen them all. If...

Are arab guys attractive to you?

Do you think they are attractive and handsome? Which one on the pictures are more attractive and why?

Do women find military men attractive?

I have never had much luck with women. I am strongly considering joining the Navy or Air Force for a bunch of different reasons, and...
27 5

Do most girls prefer casual sex or relationships?

It seems girls prefer casual sex but maybe I'm wrong. Most girls have multiple one night stands with strangers in between relationships...
23 7

Girls would you prefer manly man or girly man?

If it's comes to serious relationships would prefer to stay with a manly man or the girly one also 1. Make up for boys is girly (using...
8 0

Are really big girls attracted to fit men?

I mean girls like this 593 lbs 498 lbs Do girls like this prefer fat men or fit guys?
6 17

Is it unladylike for a girl to fart?

un·la·dy·like ˌənˈlādēˌlīk/ adjective not appropriate for or typical of a well-bred woman or girl.
18 31

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