How Girls Should Respond on Dating Sites

How girls should respond on dating sites

Girls should give more consideration regarding responding to guys on dating sites.

I know a lot of girls will get mad at me because they tend to ignore a lot of messages, but their position is taken into consideration here. I do think that if someone messages you something completely casual asking about your profile or how you're doing but doesn't seem like a bad guy, then you really should respond.

Hear me out. What I just said implies that if the guy makes himself out to be a douche or if he asks for a hookup, then he deserves the silence. Girls say "we get way too many messages" but they also say "so many guys ask to hookup." So that means if you filter out the guys who just want to hookup, you don't have "so many that you can't respond to them all."

If you have a boyfriend and a different guy messages you, you can say something like "Hey, so I should let you know, I have a boyfriend. So I'm not really in a position to talk to other guys. I hope you understand and don't take this personally."

Now to address the "I'm not interested" attitude. It has happened A LOT that a girl is not interested in a guy initially but years later they end up getting married. So initial sparks don't have to be there for you to simply get to know someone. If you're worried about leading him on, you can tell him that you're just getting to know him but currently aren't planning on whether it "goes somewhere" or not. If he complains that you led him on simply by getting to know him, that's his problem.

Some guys will be immature or stupid. You can blow them off. But for the good ones, be friends, get to know him before deciding. You might be surprised.

Prince charming isn't real. If you expect there to be a magical moment where you find prince charmings profile or him in real life, you'll be disappointed.

How Girls Should Respond on Dating Sites
25 Opinion