Polls: Guy's Behavior

Isn't it really all downhill from 30, at least physically?

Lol I've heard the saying even before I was 25 that "it's all downhill from (age) 30" and I'm 30 nowadays and I think it's true physically especially. The body starts to get fatter, even minimally, lazier, weaker....
Lol I've heard the saying even before I was 25 that "it's all downhill from (age) 30" and I'm 30 nowadays and I think it's true physically especially. The body starts to get fatter, Show More
Case by case / varies
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Ginger Hair
Black Hair
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I confessed my feelings for my online bestie, but he told me he's not ready for a relationship and wants to stay just besties. what should I do?

i confessed my feelings for my online bestie the other day. we've known each other for about only one and a half months but i found myself already liking him that way and wishing we were together as partners, not just...
i confessed my feelings for my online bestie the other day. we've known each other for about only one and a half months but i found myself already liking him that way and wishing we Show More
gradually start to move on
let myself continue having feelings for him untill we meet up
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In person
By text
On the phone
Online chat
I’m romantic in all channels
I’m not romantic at all
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We'd been talking for a month and suddenly he blocked me, why?

This message was a few days before. He literally told me he wanted to be my comfort zone the morning before he blocked me. I have no idea how to take this, no information, no explanation, not even a fight. Literally...
This message was a few days before. He literally told me he wanted to be my comfort zone the morning before he blocked me. I have no idea how to take this, no information, no Show More
Other... (comment)
Online? He won't come back
He'll be back
Personal issues
Hiding something
No longer interested
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Is it possible a guy and a girl to be just bestfriend without catching feelings?

i have a male best friend that is currently traveling. We knew each other from school and got very close. He told me about the girls he went out with etc. At first we rarely texted each other however since he left school...
i have a male best friend that is currently traveling. We knew each other from school and got very close. He told me about the girls he went out with etc. At first we rarely texted Show More
Can be bestfriend
Cannot be bestfriend. One or the two of them can catch feelings for each other
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Was he likely staring at my bottom?

I was walking out of a room but then I turned around because I forgot something. A guy was walking behind me and as I turned around, I noticed his eyes were looking down at my legs and then he looked at me. When I came...
I was walking out of a room but then I turned around because I forgot something. A guy was walking behind me and as I turned around, I noticed his eyes were looking down at my legs and Show More
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Is this a sign that he likes me?

My colleagues went down for breakfast but I didn’t feel like going. One of my colleagues, who I get on really well with, said to me when he saw me “missed you at break” but he said it quite softly/quietly Could this...
My colleagues went down for breakfast but I didn’t feel like going. One of my colleagues, who I get on really well with, said to me when he saw me “missed you at break” but he said it Show More
He likes you
You’re reading too much into it
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So is 28 an old man now?

It’s a shame because I’m 28 and feel I never got to live. All I feel is angry and disappointment. Still I don’t have a ton of money, still I have few friends and still single as I have been forever
It’s a shame because I’m 28 and feel I never got to live. All I feel is angry and disappointment. Still I don’t have a ton of money, still I have few friends and still single as I have Show More
You’re old now
No you’re not
You’re young
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They always will ask her out, eventually
Not always, it can be too scary
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Girl’s opinions are also welcome! Show More
Megan Fox
Rachel McAdams
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Guys, do you kiss your woman on the back of her hand and/or forehead?

Do/Did you kiss your woman (wife, fiancée, girlfriend, partner, etc.) on the back of her hand and/or forehead? It melts my heart whenever a guy kissed the back of my hand, because I felt that he was expressing...
Do/Did you kiss your woman (wife, fiancée, girlfriend, partner, etc.) on the back of her hand and/or forehead? It melts my heart whenever a guy kissed the back of my hand, because Show More
I kiss forehead and back of hand
I kiss back of hands
I kiss forehead
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Guys, do you find every girl attractive when you're drunk?

The title may be off. What I mean is how do you act, what kind of girls do you go after when drunk? Standards do probably get a little lower when drunk, but I can't imagine that a normal guy (no simp, no sex-withdrawn...
The title may be off. What I mean is how do you act, what kind of girls do you go after when drunk? Standards do probably get a little lower when drunk, but I can't imagine that a Show More
When drunk, I go after girls that are attractive for me just as much as when I'm sober.
I don't care, I go for the unattractive ones and attractive ones equally.
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Repost (more context), was he saying that he likes me?

Sorry, I posted this question earlier but didn’t really put any context in it. I have a crush on a coworker. We have a flirty relationship and we get on really well. We have been there for each other through difficult...
Sorry, I posted this question earlier but didn’t really put any context in it. I have a crush on a coworker. We have a flirty relationship and we get on really well. We have been there Show More
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Yes, therefore I only compliment men that I really like/am attracted to, and I prefer to compliment them on things other than appearance
I don't really compliment anyone
I only compliment my friends/people that I know like that
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Why is he being weird?
He’s shocked
He thinks you look different
Other response (comments)
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Why would someone that doesn’t work with you and you hardly talk to want to know your work schedule?

We never talk and we never were on any projects together. Yesterday he asked me if I was in the office yesterday when he was in Home office and if I would come tomorrow. This might be the second time he talked to me in 4...
We never talk and we never were on any projects together. Yesterday he asked me if I was in the office yesterday when he was in Home office and if I would come tomorrow. This might be Show More
He has something to hide
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