Whom do you trust more for advice especially concerning health?


Doctor Mercola who started lifting in his 60s and leg pressed 700 lb recently,

Or Billy Gates who is a year younger and still hasn't started lifting?

Whom do you trust more for advice especially concerning health?
Mercola who wrote the book "The Truth About Covid 19" and is passionate about health
Gates who partook in simulating the "Event 201" and is very fat
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Twitter embed doesn't work for mobile. Here is an older video of him on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lVJHs-e-6o
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We will decide based just on how they look. Because I'm afraid conspiracy theorizing anything about any jesuit eugenecist cabals may be illegal, and we should only follow the MSM for facts, as with other things https://youtu.be/-beYBLrkNAg Even then, Bill, I would run away from you if I didn't know you, because your ex husband looks evil wearing an inverted cross. And if I hang around you I may end up like Epstein https://youtu.be/LNAwUxZ5nfw
Whom do you trust more for advice especially concerning health?
10 Opinion