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2 mo

Guys who want a traditional woman, are you willing to be a more traditional man?

a lot of them want a housewife but have no house 😂 so no most of the men who want traditional women are not traditional themselves Relationships

2 mo

Do you have a big mouth?

I have a tiny mouth Other

2 mo

Why do people with good looks have low self-esteem about how they look more than people with average looks?

I've noticed this too. It's because people downplay their looks so they never think highly of themselves Other

2 mo

I'm gonna turn 20 next month. What is the best advice u can give me?

Have a fun birthday and don't overthink it. a lot of times we think on our birthday that there are things we should or shouldn't be doing by that age but we are all on our own paths. Do whatever... Other

2 mo

What's your biggest flex?

Having 5 sons because they all treat me like a queen Other

2 mo

If your partner slaps you across the face for something you said should you instantly break up?

Depends on what I said. Was it slap worthy? Then yeah I'd stay around and talk it out Relationships

2 mo

Guys, what would it take for you to feel secure in your relationship WITHOUT knowing a woman's body count?

It would take a lobotomy for some of these guys to stop caring about body count because of how insecure they are 😆 Relationships

2 mo

Is it a man’s role to provide for his family?

Ofc if he cannot provide then he isn't a real man. Real men step up and provide for their families Relationships

2 mo

What do you think about asking a girl I don't know to be my wife?

If you do this please record it 😂 Flirting

2 mo

What's your soul count?

I've snatched up lots of souls in my lifetime😈 Other

2 mo

Do you believe women should take their partner's last name when getting married?

Before marriage I thought I would take my husband's name but days after getting married I changed my mind and decided to keep my name. It's hard af to change and it's my literal identity... Relationships

2 mo

Do petite women have a higher risk during labor?

Nope I'm very short and it's only helped me to have easier births cuz I'm more flexible and can move into different positions while giving birth Other

2 mo

Pregnant and not feeling sexy?

Pregnancy is very sexy to most men so you shouldn't worry Relationships

2 mo

Who’s the better cook in your relationship?

I don't like men cooking for me in general it gives me the ick. So I have to say my cooking is better than my husband's by my own standards. Other people would probably say our cooking skills are... Relationships

2 mo

Why do people call men "babygirl"?

Now I'm gonna start calling men babygirl Other

2 mo

Who are hunters men or women?

Both but I've heard that the best hunters in tribes were typically the grandmas because they lived the longest and had the most knowledge on how to hunt Relationships

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