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5 mo

How hard is it to study and work at the same time?

Depends how hard of classes a person is taking, and how much sleep they need. It is nice when a person doesn't have to work at the same time they are going to college, if they can get by with it. Education & Career

5 mo

Are you Planning or Are you Already Doing An Exercise and Diet Program before Christmas?

I have been exercising regularly for over 20 years. I started cutting calories a month ago because I want to drop about 5 pounds. Holidays

5 mo

How much times do you study per day?

When I was in college, I would study when I got home from classes. Then go out to the dining hall for dinner and socialize with friends. Then back home and study until about 11 PM. If I ended my... Education & Career

5 mo

Happy Thanksgiving To All in The USA. Do Any of You Take Home a Doggy Bag from A Restaurant?

Not usually. Sometimes though. Not sure what I'm doing for Thanksgiving this year! I might have to go to a restaurant. Holidays

6 mo

Are you decisive in nature or indecisive?

Mostly decisive. When I am indecisive it is probably from taking awhile to think things through. Education & Career

6 mo

I want to do photography, or sell my paintings, which would be more realistic?

Photography would be more realistic. But you have to be open to the types of photography that will bring in the business. Most photographers that make much money at it find they have to do wedding... Education & Career

6 mo

Can you believe some Americans think ALASKA is an ISLAND?

LOL I guess I can see why some people might think that due to the way it is represented as you show in the pic. But some people just don't have an aptitude for positional relationships or have an... Education & Career

6 mo

What Will You Be Eating the Most of Next Thursday?

Not sure what I'll be doing. I might go to a Latino family's house for Thanksgiving so if I do, I'll be having Mexican food!! Love it! Holidays

6 mo

Imagine a society where traditional jobs no longer exist. What would people do with their time, and how would they contribute to the community?

Not sure how to answer this but I think it would be a bad thing for humanity. I think people need to be challenged. My guess is too many people would opt to be couch potatoes. Education & Career

6 mo

What’s something you love learning about?

Wow where do I start. Lots of different things. Mostly related to science such as physics or biology. Then other things unrelated to science like some history, maybe some art, etc. Maybe cultural... Education & Career

6 mo

What was your #1 favorite class back in high school?

I used to really like math. But I think maybe chemistry was my favorite class. Education & Career

6 mo

If I ask my manager if I can get my old job back in walmart and she says maybe but she said just make sure ur application is up to date?

I think the reason why she said to update the application is that she is interested in hiring you back. Education & Career

7 mo

Is it a disrespect that a company made me wait in a room for half an hour before the job interview?

That is fairly normal. They were probably busier than expected at the time. Education & Career

7 mo

Did your parents dictate your career choices?

They highly encouraged me to go to college, which I most certainly did. But my career choice was up to me. I ended up majoring in something medical related, which is what I was interested in anyway. Education & Career

7 mo

How did you do on pop quizzes?

I usually did OK with them. I never remember being all that bothered by them. Education & Career

7 mo

Why is it when you look up the highest pay for your job it's always low?

I have noticed that also. Some of it has to do with using old numbers. Some of it might be because of differences in regions. Education & Career

7 mo

Is college worth it?

Depends what you major in and what you do with your education. Education & Career

7 mo

Are most high schools in USA without a uniform as movies portray?

Basically, it is only private high schools that have uniforms. Education & Career

7 mo

I was fired from my job yesterday after giving my two weeks notice a few days ago for a better job, are companies this petty?

Did they give you any kind of reason, other than the president saying that they invested money in you? Yeah it is weird. Education & Career

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