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+1 y

Do men have it worse than women in modern soceity?

I wouldn't know how. I'm a man; I don't experience any kind of discrimination based on my gender. Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you consider yourself to be patriotic?

No, I don't consider myself patriotic. I'm from Switzerland. Am I *happy* and *grateful* to have been born here when I could have been born in Somalia or North Korea? Absolutely. But pride?... Society & Politics

+1 y

How would you feel if you were smashing a girl and this happened?

I would feel bad and good at the same time. Bad for him, good about myself. Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you believe in "Innocent until proven guilty" or "Guilty until proven innocent"?

Then, I'm sorry to say it, you are an authoritarian or have the mindset of an authoritarian. I love democracy and I consider myself a democrat (with a small "d"), so it is obvious and... Society & Politics

+1 y

What is your definition for "Open Minded" ?

That's interesting. I never thought of "open minded" as a term that is somehow related to sex or sexuality. Of course it *can* be related to that but usually it's not (in my opinion/experience).... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you think Dutch braids are cultural appropriation?

Pretty much all of North American culture is cultural appropriation. To the degree that America and Canada have their own culture, it's basically a diverse mix of many other cultures. Society & Politics

+1 y

Do You Like When People Use Your Name In Conversation?

Not so much. It makes me a little awkward. I like my name but if someone mentions it like that in a conversation, it can feel like all the spotlights are on me. Society & Politics

+1 y

What do you think of Muslim women breaking tradition and posing nude or in swimwear?

Well, Arab girls can be very pretty, so I think that's great ;-). Society & Politics

+1 y

Should the government be mandated to provide you a girlfriend?

One girlfriend? I think three would be more fitting ;-). I wanna have a white, a black and an Asian one. They'll have to be naked indoors and I'll feed them anything they want... just not... Society & Politics

+1 y

What political issue are you most passionate about?

Mmmh... I'd say it's a tie between climate change and income inequality. Society & Politics

+1 y

Why Are Women Allowed Long Hair In The Military, but Men Aren't?

Men in the Swiss Army are allowed to have long hair. If you have long hair as a guy, you're just required to put them into a hair net or tie them into a tight knot (like a man bun), so they don't... Society & Politics

+1 y

Should Organ Donation Be Mandatory by law?

Other: It shouldn't be mandatory but there should be a change in regards to what the law considers the default. Currently, in most countries where organ donation is legal, you have to... Society & Politics

+1 y

Are there more than two genders?

Saying that there are more than two genders is incorrect. However, claiming that there are only two genders is also incorrect. Gender is a spectrum, like sexual orientation. So, if you... Society & Politics

+1 y

What do you think would happen if everyone had equal amount of money?

I would still follow my passions, as I do now. China can hardly be called a communist country, even if they like to call themselves that way. Society & Politics

+1 y

Are You Pacifist, And Which Type?

Self-defense is the only kind of violence I accept. However, even when it comes to self-defense, I believe violence should be an absolute last resort. There are many cases where even the most... Society & Politics

+1 y

Does catcalling ever work?

I can't imagine that it would ever work. At least when I try to put myself into the shoes of a woman, I can't see that I would possibly enjoy being catcalled. And even if it does work in very rare... Society & Politics

+1 y

What Do You Think About THIS Wealth Distribution (US) And the American Dream?

It shows that America is not a meritocracy and that the American dream is a nice but unfortunately untrue myth. A myth the billionaire class has been telling regular people for decades now in... Society & Politics

+1 y

I’m tired of the lgbt community?

First of all, being against gay marriage and calling it "a sin" is homophobic whether you are going to acknowledge this or not. "I think it's sinful for jews and black people to get tired, hence I... Society & Politics

+1 y

How powerful is the Rothschild family?

Contrary to what the conspiracy theory wants to make you believe, the Rothschild family has very little power and practically no influence on world politics today. Yes, they might have been... Society & Politics

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