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4 mo

Would you date or even marry a person with baldness?

I don't care how much hair the man has, I am more interested in his personality and whether his morals align with mine. Dating

4 mo

Who are you more like?

I am definitely more Clark! I want the most lights and decorations, I want the biggest tree, and presents piled halfway up the tree! Holidays

4 mo

Will You Be Celebrating Christmas In 2023?

Yes, I celebrate every year with my family! Holidays

4 mo

How long have your parents been married for?

My parents were never married, and I never met my father... all I have is his name. And I haven't spoken to my mother since 1999. Marriage & Weddings

4 mo

What is on the top of your Christmas Tree?

My tree topper is a star, but it also kind of looks like a snowflake. Holidays

4 mo

What do you want for Christmas most of all?

A man that loves me as much as I love him! Holidays

4 mo

Does being lighter skinned makes a person more attractive?

I'm afraid I have to disagree... I don't care what color someone is. It makes no difference to me, their attitude, morals, and personality are important to me. Dating

4 mo

Have you ever had a Christmas TREE ACCIDENT?

Years ago, we'd never had an issue before, but this year there was something going on with how we put our tree up because that year we got the tree up and decorated and then a few days later the... Holidays

4 mo

Would you like to use this post to wish everyone a Merry Christmas?

Happy holidays to everyone! I hope each of you and your families has the warmest, cheeriest, and merriest of holidays! Holidays

4 mo

Should I gift something to my boyfriend even if he might not give me anything. ( read for details )?

In my opinion, you give a gift because you want to make the person receiving it feel good and because giving someone pleasure makes you, yourself, feel good. Presents shouldn't be given because... Holidays

4 mo

What do you traditionally have for Christmas morning breakfast?

My family has cinnamon rolls and coffee for breakfast. Holidays

4 mo

I’s a pair of shoes enough for Christmas presents?

Buy a water bottle and some powdered drink mixes or Mio and maybe a plastic organizer tray to keep them in the pantry or on the counter. Or buy a coffee mug and an assortment of tea bags or hot... Holidays

4 mo

What part of Christmas do you NOT like?

Honestly, I don't really like having guests come to my house, I hate going into "guest" mode. Always trying to be polite, making sure everyone has everything they want or need, making sure they... Holidays

4 mo

Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?

Yes, the movie takes place during Christmas (both the 1st and the 2nd one) and they were both released during the Christmas season, so yes, the Die Hard movies are Christmas movies. Holidays

4 mo

Do you have stockings for your kids to open before you wake up?

Each person in my house has a stocking that they get on Christmas morning. But it has always been a rule that the stockings and the presents can't be touched until everyone is up and in the living... Holidays

4 mo

What time do you normal get up on Christmas?

When the kids were young, we got up by 7 am, now that the kids are adults we usually get to sleep in until somewhere between 8-9 am. However, this year our elderly uncle will be celebrating with... Holidays

4 mo

Is your Christmas wrapping all wrapped up yet this year?

All gifts are bought and fully wrapped and waiting to be put under the Christmas tree! Holidays

4 mo

Have you ever wrote a letter to Santa?

I used to write Santa a letter every year! Holidays

4 mo

Which of Santa's list do you think you're on?

Definitely on the good list. I do what I am supposed to, when I am supposed to and for the most part, I do it without complaining. I help others in need and give what I can. Holidays

4 mo

Are you done with your Christmas shopping?

Yes, all bought and finished wrapping and ready to go under the Christmas tree! Holidays

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