
Works in: Nonprofit

! I am a writer, dreamer, wanderer, and a free spirit walking the unknown path. -"Our dreams find ways of coming true if we listen to our hearts.

⛅🌚🌛🌠🌟💫🍭❣️📙 <><> I planted my feet on a ground so cold, in a world without explanation, my soul wandered aimlessly through a bask fire of chaotic debris.

- Only those without knowledge stereotype. Those with knowledge ask questions 👣🛣️🚦🛑

++ You expect me to talk, Goldfinger?! Goldfinger: No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.

"The summer wind came blowing in"-Frank Sinatra >>

I left the earth abruptly, to pace through the quicksand, my spirit now lost, my feet found no direction, heaven cast no net, my soul is earthbound, my mission still ongoing. I am a writer, writing Horror/Mystery/Suspense/Sci-fi/Fantasy Novels.

<>From my book series, "Destination Fear." <> Quotes from my characters.

"Those who spend all day trying to figure other people out need to figure themselves out. The ones that are misunderstood are the ones that know what they want-Valentine Love.

"Love is that moment when you stop caring about the world around you, forgetting of its very existence. A heart that doesn't love has not yet fallen into the hands of love. Our hearts have only two needs, One, to be loved, and two, to have a reason to keep beating"-Lexi Carrington 💗

"A dark path lies beneath each of us. Our feet mark our existence on that path, but how we chose to use the light within ourselves determines the existence of that path-Violet Waters. 🖤

"Fear only exists in our minds, hope only exists in our hearts, and the outcome of the decisions we make depends on how our mind and heart will react"-Mackenzie (The spiritual guide) 🦮📚

() The path to a happy life is only provided to those with a patience and a consideration toward one's own dreams. Those who don't dream, don't live. Those who mock dreamers, die without an understanding for life. -

From: United States

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