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+1 y

Trump Supporters = Sexist, Racist, Nazis

i am 100% anti-trump but i think it's entirely unfair to say trump supporters are sexist, racist, nazis... some definitely are but many if not most are not Society & Politics

+1 y

Racism... Against Whites?

sounds like a real victim mentality. i don't understand what #1 has to do with racism against whites. seems like just a non-sequitur rant against issues of police violence yes white people... Society & Politics

+1 y

A Great Day For World Politics!

i was very happy to see La Pen go down. this loss and losses in the netherlands and other places of far right candidates is great in my opinion. it shows that the majority of people still are not... Society & Politics

+1 y

This is what Gerrymandering looks like

wanted to post the gerrymandering map of Southeast PA but my internet is funky... hopefully later Society & Politics

+1 y

Strong Women Through History: What a Strong Woman Really is and How We're Undoing Everything They Did for Women's Rights

some people are undoing a lot of the great work feminist and strong women have done and many are still doing that great work. i think the notion that feminism now is entirely misguided is... Women's Day

+1 y

Why Do Other Liberals Love Glorifying Poor People?

it's not that liberals love the poor. you have to know that liberals don't all love any one. there are millions of liberals. the democratic, liberal, progressive believe is that a strong... Society & Politics

+1 y

Backfire: Russia's Response to Syria Missile Strike!

i doubt it will start another war. russia isn't going to go so far just for the sake of their allegiances with Syria. they can't view syria as so important to engage in what would be a massive... Society & Politics

+1 y

Inside the Men's Rights Movement.

i find it a bit strange that in a discussion about men's rights pick up artist is even a thing. I hope that the MR movement doesn't see pick up artists as anything aside from people trying to get... Society & Politics

+1 y

Problems with the Misandrists in the Feminism Movement and Misogynists in the MRA Movement

a good point. but easier said than done. pointing out a man-hating feminist for woman hating MRA doesn't mean that person can't go on to continue to misrepresent the ideology of a movement.... Society & Politics

+1 y

My Theory on GAG's Resident Misogynist(s)

i don't presume them to be fat white guys. but i do imagine many have had trouble in the dating world G@G Community

+1 y

Sexism Is Multi-Directional: Examples of Misandry

other issues, not necessarily misandry, men deal with 6x's more likely to commit suicide are more likely to perform jobs with extremely high rates of injury divorce proceedings... Society & Politics

+1 y

Blue is For Boys... Or is It?

my wife and i dress our daughter in all colors. blue, pink, black, brown, green, purple, red, etc, etc. i don't really see why we need to have colors wrapped up in gender. i will say this... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why ISIS Exists Today

i appreciate your desire to go out and take up arms in the fight against terrorism. i don't disagree with a single thing you've said about the disgusting acts ISIS has committed. they use the... Society & Politics

+1 y

I Won't Date You if You Hate Trump!

so would you date people who did the same when obama was president? he was disrespected for 8 years he stood for what he believed in there was violence as a result of his election Society & Politics

+1 y

Can Violence Ever Be Justified?

when your life is threatened i believe violence is justified Society & Politics

+1 y

Welcome to Italy

love italy. my wife and i spent two weeks traveling around on our honeymoon. i drove many places but avoided city driving. but the highway driving was very easy. in the cities i only drove as far... Society & Politics

+1 y

Censorship and the 21st Century

why were certain Muslim countries left off the list? a quick look at the companies Trump is invested in and those middle eastern countries where there are properties and holdings seems to reveal... Society & Politics

+1 y

Quotes by Malcolm X

he did say some incredibly deep things. he like many young activists began his life much more militant in his thought and was seen as the antithesis of MLK's peaceful movement however with age he... Society & Politics

+1 y

"When a Woman earns more Money than her Man"

i don't believe there are laws of nature in relationships aside from biological differences. couples should define the roles that suit them best. i'd only care that my wife earned more money... Society & Politics

+1 y

Is There A Fight For Men's Rights?

there seems to be very little movement or organization. on a small scale there is but not on the large scale that other movements have organized. i think a problem i see is too many men... Society & Politics

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