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+1 y

Ladies, would you prefer being a housewife or a working wife/mother?

I'd prefer to work. It's extremely hard to live here on one income if you don't make six figures. Anyways, I like my job! Absolutely nothing wrong with either choice. But I've been told I'm... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Marrying the person of the same profession as you are? How wise?

My husband and I are both teachers and it's working out for us. We work at different schools though. If you're not the type of people who are always trying to one-up each other, nothing bad is... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

How old were your parents when they got married?

They were both 22 and have been married for 28 years now. Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Last Name After Marriage?

I changed my last name to his when I got married. There was no reason for me to keep my name - it's not like it's going to die out with me, lol. I have 4 brothers who can keep it going. Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Would you ever consider a polygamorous marriage?

It's not for me. Why bother getting married if you're just going to sleep with other people or be in a polyamorous relationship? I don't see the point. Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

I slapped my husband and he hit me back?

Well, yeah you hit him, so of course he's going to hit back. What did you expect? Maybe it's time to seek out some help on how to communicate with each other in a better way, instead of resorting... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

How many times have you been a groomsman or bridesmaid?

I've been a bridesmaid twice and a maid of honour once. Now it's my turn to be the bride, lol. Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Do guys ever wish they could just skip dating and jump straight to marriage?

That's already done in cultures that practice arranged marriage. But I couldn't do that. Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Would you share a house with your friends on your wedding night?

No, I wouldn't do that. It's a special night for me and my husband so I only want to spend it with him. Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Would you be offended if your engagement ring was "cheap"?

Not at all. I would like for him to buy a ring that fits my style and jewellery preferences. He did, thankfully, and I have no idea how much he paid for it. I know it's not a super expensive ring... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Guy-What would you do if SHE proposed? Girls- Would you propose?

I wouldn't be the one to propose. I think it's still nice if the man asks first. And ideally, marriage should be discussed before anyone proposes to their partner. Things like pros and cons,... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Do you think a wedding is a waste of money?

The ceremony is a waste of money. You say you're wasting your time with him, but if you want the huge wedding ceremony more than the marriage, then don't get married. Wedding ceremonies are a... Marriage & Weddings

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