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2 mo

Is it sad and pathetic not to have a date for Valentines Day?

never really celebrated a Valentines with any of my ex-girlfriends... it would be sad to feel sad about it though... but understandable Valentine's Day

2 mo

Are y'all gonna be active on here on valentines day?

as usual, yes... I actually joined this site on Valentine's Day... lmao Valentine's Day

2 mo

I need ideas for Valentine's day gift?

whatever you get... include cheesecake best you can get... not a cheap one either Valentine's Day

3 mo

Are you anti-Valentine's Day? Why or why not?

I am neutral to it, always have been... while I do not celebrate it myself, nor a girlfriend of mine was ever into it... I never hated it, I am not against it... and I don't mind if others... Valentine's Day

3 mo

Anything special you're planning for this Valentine's Day?

never met someone that liked to make a big fuss about Valentines... Valentine's Day

3 mo

Have you ever received a notice from GaG accusing you of choosing the wrong topic for your question, when indeed you did not choose it, GaG did?

it's not accusation, it is not a penalty, no punishment... it is simply an automated message that more than anything is informing you of the change, that is all... no big deal... yes,... G@G Community

3 mo

Why is GAG still on Christmas theme?

because, there's still tamales and fajitas in my fridge... Holidays

3 mo

How did you spend new year eve?

same as Christmas... friends, food and family (= Holidays

4 mo

Happy new year everyone?

best wishes to you as well (= Holidays

4 mo

What are you doing on the last night of the year?

starting the first day of the new year... with family, friends, and food... (= Holidays

4 mo

Do you have a New Year's resolution?

I'll just keep up with the previous ones, that I've been going for few years now... health, happiness... and hugs for you, happy New Year! 🤗 Holidays

4 mo

Happy new year folks what you're expecting from 2024 ?

well damn... I hope this year doesn't take my memory away... I forgot about NFL games again, lol... Holidays

4 mo

Do you believe in making New Year’s resolutions?

not something I follow myself... but I know it has worked well for a few, yes Holidays

4 mo

Is anyone else likely to miss the New Year’s fireworks?

I would not miss them if they were entirely gone, I could go without... Holidays

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