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1 mo

How many hours per day do you watch TV?

I don’t watch TV at all, but I use free streaming sites/YouTube on my phone, and I’d say I spend maybe an hour a day watching content. Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Do you agree that parents should not argue in front of their kids?

Not necessarily. It depends on the argument and how the parents are able to navigate it. If it’s a valid (and child appropriate) argument, and both parents are actively trying to find a... Family & Friends

1 mo

What do you think is the hardest thing to draw?

Humans. The one thing that I’ve always struggled with, is drawing people. Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Do you think people who don't ever want kids and are capable of having them, are selfish?

Not at all. Better to not have kids and then regret it, than to have kids and regret it. All children deserve a parent but not all parents deserve children. Some people don’t have a want for kids,... Family & Friends

1 mo

How would you feel if you were the product of an affair?

Not much different. I can’t change what my parents did. If they wanted to have a child from cheating on their spouse, then that’s on them - I’m not responsible for that, and that doesn’t make my... Family & Friends

1 mo

Am I in the wrong for trying to be grown up in 30 years old and he’s only 15?

He’s your brother, not your son - ultimately it is up to your parents as to how they discipline him or treat him. I understand that you want to be a good big sister, but back off a little. It’s... Family & Friends

2 mo

Any shows you're currently watching? and are you liking it?

I’ve just finished watching Shangri-La Frontier, best anime that I’ve seen in a while. Hope it gets a season 2! Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

Which would be worse?

Finding out I’m the only real person. Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

Name one thing you do in your everyday life that has a positive impact on the environment?

After 2 years of buying multiple plastic bottles of water every week, I switched to using a local water place where you can refill a 10 litre container from their taps. And with that 10 litres of... Family & Friends

2 mo

What's Your headcannon for a Warhammer 40k Live action?

I don’t know how they’re going to do it. So much lore to cover before they even start 40k. Unless they decide to skip over it all and just start the story at 40k. But even then, I don’t believe... Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

What do you think of real gamers who play video games?

What is a fake gamer? I’d assume that everyone who plays games is a “real gamer”. Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

How far would you go do help your friend recover?

I would try to make a GoFundMe/try to raise money for them, but I would not put myself into financial hardship because of it. I wouldn’t sell off my home (if I owned it), and I wouldn’t take out a... Family & Friends

2 mo

Do you want to have children? If not why not?

Most of my life, I really didn’t want kids. Being told that I was infertile and couldn’t have kids also reinforced that “no kids” mindset. But over the last couple years, my mentality on it has... Family & Friends

2 mo

Would YOU trust this magic doctor and his fairy nurse assisstant to operate on you?

Can’t be any worse than human doctors, so sure, why not! Just don’t harvest my organs please 😃 Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

Any plans for April?

My niece and my partner have their birthdays in April. Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

Bad cat behaviour putting stress on marriage, what would you do?

I think your behaviour is absolutely called for.. why is your husband not doing anything about his cats actions? Why are you the one having to deal with it? The cat being sick and pooping,... Family & Friends

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