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1 y

Should we quit letting people who have a long criminal record of violent offenses out of prison in the U. S. A?

We could always start a penal colony, look at how well australia has turned out! Seriously though, running prisons and feeding prisoners is an expensive business, enough so that there's an... Society & Politics

1 y

Do you believe criminals have more rights than those they harm in the U. S. these days?

It depends where you are and what crimes you commit honestly. Like in the same city where you would get slammed with possession and lose 20 years, you might be able to get away with blue collar... Society & Politics

1 y

Do you tan or turn red in the sun?

I tan as long as I have a hat on. If the top of my head is bare, that hair is thinning enough that it'll start burning. Other

1 y

Do you have baby fever?

If some day is always tomorrow, it may not ever come. Just throwing that out there. I pushed my wife to get knocked up the first time, then after that initial hesitation was gone, she wanted more... Relationships

1 y

Do you think money can buy happiness?

No, it can make things much easier, like a lubricant in the game of life. If pieces are missing like companionship, feeling fulfillment, friendship, community, you name it, how much you lubricate... Society & Politics

1 y

Is it normal for couples to spend holidays apart?

Not so much, no. Even the times I took a trip on my own I'd make money for a while, generally speaking if there was a holiday especially a major one like Easter or anything, I'd be back home for... Relationships

1 y

What would be the worst thing about being famous, if you were?

Where I'm at, social media doesn't matter. Coverage of my actions is covered there. I remember like a decade ago one of my friends who had hit it big on youtube needed a gun because some feminist... Society & Politics

1 y

Support killers pronouns?

What would the point be? I mean, even if you wanted to be tasteful or something, they're dead, it isn't like a corpse can have indignation. He was trying to be a she, wrote a manifesto and went on... Society & Politics

1 y

Whats the last Rubicon you crossed lately?

Quitting my last job without my 2 weeks. I was putting in 72- 84 hour weeks, which had killer overtime, but was destroying my health and family life. I got called in for another shift, started... Society & Politics

1 y

Guys in relationships, do you have platonic female friends you text almost everyday?

No, the only woman I text about everyday other than my wife is someone else I sleep with whenever she isn't out of state... Most women I do get close to are women I have slept with, am sleeping... Relationships

1 y

Finally being in a relationship has made me realize that I have "polyamorous" disposition. How do I talk to my SO about this?

Throwing in my two cents, most people who "do poly" do so for a period of time and then don't anymore. My wife and I had several other partners, all female, living the dream for, I don't know,... Relationships

1 y

My guy friend calls me every day to chat-sometimes for 30-60min-but when I ask him out for dinner or drinks he says he is too busy. What is going on?

How long has that been going on? I'd say either he's using you to fill up a hole for attention, or lining you up as an escape plan for in case a current relationship goes badly. Either way it... Relationships

1 y

Do you love those girls who test your patience?

I loved about week long relationships with them while I still wasn't ready to think about an LTR. They typically feel entitled because they have looks, which can be fun to keep in your rotation to... Relationships

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What should I look for in a car repair service?

That's pretty broad, is it body work, engine, upholstery, electrical, maintenance? Is it covered by insurance or not? I mean, these are good questions to ask yourself as well as how much money are... Other

1 y

Now that gas prices are dropping like a rock, what will be the top thing conservatives whine about?

"Gas prices dropping" while technically correct, they're still the highest they've been since the housing market collapse in 2008. So For July the numbers are lower than June, but still higher... Society & Politics

1 y

Have you ever been in a state of Limerence?

I think another name for that would be puppy love. Sometimes when I'm dating a new girl I get a strong feeling like ahh, she's going to be the puzzle piece that fits, the girl that will be with me... Relationships

1 y

When I shoot with my pistol, the sound is very low, it's like an air gun, why?

Probably subsonic ammo, you should at least be getting a crack when the sound barrier is broken. Besides the sound, is the recoil noticeably lower than the last ammo you loaded it with? Some... Other

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Are any of you 'whisper refugees'?

I tried using it on the phone before, and it's like trying to get neutered bulls to go be studs after you've used it on PC. It isn't just having a keyboard either, so many features just weren't... Other

1 y

How important is safety for you?

For myself, not so much, risks can be accompanied by reward, and condoms are a nuisance. For my family I'm very conscious of safety though, places I would go or work at alone, some of them I would... Other

1 y

In America why were there far less shootings in the past when my Grandparents were growing up?

Actually there were less gun laws, with less enforcement of the existing ones. Finances seem to be the main motivation. Most of our current gun laws for silencers and machine guns went on the book... Society & Politics

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