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1 mo

How do you define wokeness?

This pretty much sums up my feelings on the whole thing. It just has been hijacked and redefined to mean something far from what it’s original definition... Society & Politics

1 mo

Why do we have to accept transgenders for who they are, when they couldn’t even accept themselves for who they were and had to change genders?

It’s just about a very simple principle of living your own life and never concerning yourself with what others are doing. That’s really Life Rule #1 to me. Mind your business, you don’t have to... Society & Politics

1 mo

Why does The Rock no longer support Biden?

Why anyone gives a shit who The Rock or Taylor Swift or any other entertainer votes will forever perplex me😂 Society & Politics

1 mo

Do you believe the American flag is now symbolic of bigotry, violence, & dumb-as-dirt, ignorance?

I don’t know if I’d go that far, but I’m for sure not very impressed by the character content of the average American these days. Our citizens our worse than our government, which is a problem,... Society & Politics

1 mo

Do you agree with Republican superstar rep Marjorie Taylor Greene that the eclipse is a warning from God?

This bird is a special kind of crazy lmfao. Absolute lunatic😂 Society & Politics

1 mo

What's the most toxic zodiac sign and why?

I know nothing about it but my girlfriend is always talking bad about Geminis😂😂😂 Fuckin’ space racism, lmfao Society & Politics

1 mo

Is marijuana legal where you live?

Yeah, I just can roll to the weed store and buy it, haha. 20+ years ago I was taking penitentiary chances slinging weight, now I can buy it like booze, ain’t that some shit? I feel like a modern... Society & Politics

1 mo

Scotland makes it illegal to laugh at small dicks. Is this a good thing?

Well now maybe they’ll quit picking on sheep just because they can’t say anything to them about it after a simultaneously figurative and literal roll in the hay Society & Politics

1 mo

What's the most common crime in your city?

The stats I found on a quick search, if accurate, say that it’s theft (not burglary or robbery). It’s pretty safe here, just some fights down in the downtown area with bars. I heard second-hand... Society & Politics

1 mo

Agree or Disagree: Human cloning should be legalized?

I think we have too many people on this planet as it is, haha Society & Politics

2 mo

If you're from the United States of America would you like to live under a Democrat single party rule?

Friend…. this is is obvious, OBVIOUS propaganda, designed by people whose aim is single-party Republican rule. This is what will destroy America, convincing millions that there are nefarious and... Society & Politics

2 mo

Do you think Donald Trump and Joe Biden are too old to be President?

Yeah, I mean…. assessments of who’s functional and who’s not aside…. why is our future being steered by people who aren’t going to be PART of the future? Respectfully😅 Society & Politics

2 mo

Can you tell when a person is "dog whistling" something (read description if confused)?

Usually those people aren’t very smart, the people the message is trying to reach aren’t very smart, or both. So, yes…. it’s incredibly easy to tell, and morbidly comical how discreet they think... Society & Politics

2 mo

Do you think that non-citizens should be allowed to vote in federal elections?

No, that’s why they aren’t allowed to and the idea isn’t even on the table. At most I think they can vote in municipal elections, and it’s meant to be for people who are here on a Green Card so... Society & Politics

2 mo

Have you ever met or known a 'rude Canadian' before?

Not personally, but I can think of quite a few “pests” from the NHL over the years who were Canadians and definitely aren’t always the nicest of guys. Brad Marchand, captain of both my Boston... Society & Politics

2 mo

Do you understand that not seeing something is not evidence that it didn't happen?

No concept of object permanence, some of these folks😂 I’m honestly just getting fatigued spinning my wheels battling with people who never fully developed reasoning skills as children🤦‍♂️... Society & Politics

2 mo

RFK Jr may pick Aaron Rodgers to be his running mate. What do you think about a Donald Trump- Tom Brady ticket? ?

As bad as career politicians can be…. celebrity politicians are NOT the answer. Americans aren’t collectively smart enough to not vote for someone largely because they recognize them from TV, holy... Society & Politics

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