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+1 y

Would you swipe right to this BBC?

Leather is a terrible material for a couch. If it was any other material, I'd totally do it. Other

+1 y

Do you know who Monifa Jansen is, how would you rate her?

I hope her face doesn't actually look like that, and it's just too much photoshop, because that's like 2/5. Her body is a solid 5/5, perfect hourglass. Other

+1 y

Are russian people white or asian?

They're white and Asian. Being Asian doesn't mean they couldn't be white. Other

+1 y

Does anyone else think the woman in the Fixodent commercials has a weird and unnerving voice?

Sounds like a normal commercial voice to me. 🤷🏼 Other

+1 y

Which 3 pills would you pick?

I would just need #6. 😍😭 But I could throw in #1 and #2 for fun. Other

+1 y

Between food, water and sleep, which one did you wish wasn't a necessity for survival?

Would be awesome if I could just eat sometimes when I felt like it, instead of trying to eat healthy and nutritious meals every day. Other

+1 y

Would you believe Ursula when she says "It's she who holds her tongue, who gets a man"?

I'm fairly quiet, don't like talking and I got the man. At least in my case it's true. Other

+1 y

Have you ever had sex with someone you just met?

Yes, he became my boyfriend later, but still would never do it again. Dating

+1 y

Would you be in an online relationship/long distance relationship?

No, if we hadn't met face-to-face, I wouldn't call it a relationship, more like getting to know someone. Dating

+1 y

Does marijuana change people’s personality?

No, it does not. Other

+1 y

What's Your Vagina's Name?

Fancy Love Button. 🤢 Other

+1 y

What's your height? Are you pleased with it?

I'm 5'1" and fine with it. Other

+1 y

Do you have a height requirement?

I couldn't care less how short or tall someone is. I think extremes like dwarfism and being abnormally tall might lessen someone's attractiveness, because body proportions are often affected at... Dating

+1 y

Do you like my Bitmoji?

👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 Other

+1 y

How do couples feel about going to a topless beach together? I'd like to hear your opinions please?

I don't feel comfortable looking at naked strangers, nor do I feel comfortable being naked in public, so I would never agree to go to a nude beach. If my boyfriend wants to go to one, I'm fine... Dating

+1 y

Why is it acceptable for men with moobs to show off their moobs in public and not women?

I honestly would just prefer everyone to cover up, rather than everyone going topless. I avoid beaches, because I don't want to see half naked people. Other

+1 y

Boyfriend not trusting you around other guys?

I think if your boyfriend doesn't trust you around other men, he just doesn't trust you and is insecure about the relationship. Dating

+1 y

I think im pretty good looking, but I get no likes on tinder! Why?

You have a very spesific thing you are looking for, which on a platform like Tinder isn't probably going to work out. You should also learn what your good angles are, because right now your... Dating

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