What's one animal that would terrify you if you met it?

Now before I go into detail, obviously there are animals a normal person would not to be anywhere near. Lions, crocodiles, rattlesnakes, tigers, you name it.

You don't need to have a phobia of the animal you mentioned, like arachnophobia. They don't even have to be very dangerous. This just has to be an animal that would scare the actual hell out of you, and something you'd probably never want to meet.
Whats one animal that would terrify you if you met it?
For me, the answer is this Aussie ostrich, the cassowary. This is the most dangerous bird in the world, and reason #69,666,420 that I will never go to Australia. The biggest ones can be 6 feet tall,
Whats one animal that would terrify you if you met it?
But let's explain WHY I'd fear this discount Velociraptor. Firstly, their feet have three toes, one of which is 5 inches long (see below). So one kick from a cassowary can disembowel people, dogs, and small horses. In fact, they've actually KILLED people before.
Whats one animal that would terrify you if you met it?
Now I bet you're thinking, "If you're scared, run away!" One problem, though. Cassowaries can run at 31 miles per hour, while Usain Bolt can only run at 27.33 miles per hour. If the fastest man alive can't outrun this, what makes you think I can?

Also, they can jump 7 feet in the air, meaning that Big Bird's cousin here can jump over Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who's 6'5!
Whats one animal that would terrify you if you met it?
And here's the worst part: Cassowaries can swim. So, the animal that scares me the most can outrun me, outjump me, outswim me, and eviscerate me with one kick. Like, God! I get it! You don't want me to go to Australia!
Whats one animal that would terrify you if you met it?
So yeah. What animal would terrify you the most if you met it, and why?
What's one animal that would terrify you if you met it?
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