How is the weather 🌞☁️🌨️ you have now?

How is the weather 🌞☁️🌨️ you have now?
How is the weather 🌞☁️🌨️ you have now?
How is the weather 🌞☁️🌨️ you have now?
How is the weather 🌞☁️🌨️ you have now?
How is the weather 🌞☁️🌨️ you have now?

Last night πŸŒƒ we have heavy rainfall πŸŒ§οΈβ˜”, thunder β›ˆοΈ and hailing too much loss of wheat 🌾, mustard, potato πŸ₯”, vegetables and cattle fodder crops.

How is the weather 🌞☁️🌨️ you have now?
42 Opinion