Photos are genuine but trimmed to hide identity
Have you ever used the next-door app?
Photos are genuine but trimmed to hide identity
I'm on Nextdoor stateside, I got it to post a cat I found (or rather a cat that found me... It wondered into my cellar). I rarely go on it but 90% of the posts I see are Karen's complaining about the noise from some kids playing in a back yard or reporting a suspicious looking ethnic minority walking their dog.
I was on it (UK) , seemed like a good idea at the time , being mentioned to know your neighborhood but quickly realized people either just wanted to rant , complain or sell something. Or at least that was my experience in the 6 months or so I was on it
Yep, there is next door here. I don’t use it now being away at school.
Ours would be here “Tammy stole my straightener”.
Sorry you can't keep your goat happy. He's with me now.
No straight brit would be seen dead in that hat
That's a photo of me before I had a falling out with my huge schlong.
@purplepoppy that's because the people who kill straight white men have no problem with wearing stolen items.
I've been on Nextdoor for several years now. Most of it is people uselessly ranting and raving about something, but every so often there's a good informational post.
A few years ago, there was a proposed change in our local government. Nextdoor was the main medium that correctly explained that the change was a bad idea, in opposition to what the government was pushing for, and it was voted down.
I have used it in the past but not now. It was useful for somethings such as coyote warnings, funny for others, astonishing in some ways with what people thought was important, and watching some Karen’s going after other Karen’s.
@purplepoppy I have it and you are dead on... it is a Neighborhood Facebook, and I never use it.
I've never heard of this app, but I sense its potential for trolling. Time to put on my Batman outfit and put a belt around my neck...
I have a summer home on and Island. They have a Nextdoor page. I look at it sometimes.
Yes, a great app for neighborhoods. Used quite abit to find companies or people who are good at what they do.
@purplepoppy Thank you for the Like
oh... so that's how they all know about me, hmm...
nope :) sounds fun though :P
Im not welcome there
Men will receive their first flowers at their funeral, because women look down on men who loves it!
"Ideally when the husband is at work" 🤣🤣🤣
I have not i’ll check it out.