The Difference between animal abuse and hunting

Animal abuse and hunting are very different,and it's not fair to compare them in any way possible. I know most people know the...
2 13

What I Like About Girls!

I have done one of these types of myTakes before but this is something slightly different. This is focusing less on my ideal girl and...
18 35

Let's give them a hand

So my first one on legs got the best response the one on butts which I thought was funny and fun was met with a lot of bad posts from...
4 5

A call to arms mytake

Did a mytake on legs with pictures which came out really well so I did one on butts shortly after and got "Weird" "Shit af" "Gross....
5 5

A little showcase about legs

You can call this what you want but I am viewing this as legs are beautiful, fun and sexy so lets just have a quick picture roll of...
9 12

Good comebacks 👊

Lol so I found these online and I thought that they were pretty helpful especially if you're like me and don't know what to say when...
7 11

Summer Glowup: How To Start Living A More Productive, Happier, And Healthier Life Today

With summer approaching fast, I decided to write this. I've been really unhappy and unsatisfied with my life for a while now, and I find...
1 4

Do she look pure Swedish?

When i first saw her i thought that she was only Swedish but later i find out that her mother is Moroccan well father is Swedish she...

What does it mean to dream about busty women?

Last night, I had a dream I saw busty women.

What’s something that will always be in fashion, no matter how much time passes?

Is there any object, article of clothing, memento, etc... that will always be "in fashion" no matter how much time passes?
28 49

If you had a shrink ray what would you do with it?

Would you take advantage of your power or use it to help people

Would you want to be reborn as a women?

This mint be a redundant question by haven't seen it
0 11

Do guys care if boobs aren’t perky?

I know guys probably wouldn’t want super saggy boobs, but would you still be attracted to boobs that weren’t super perky? I feel so...
1 12

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