The Difference between animal abuse and hunting

Animal abuse and hunting are very different,and it's not fair to compare them in any way possible. I know most people know the difference already but many seem to confuse them so here are the differences:

The aim:

Animal abusers aim to make animals suffer,to see them getting tortured and feel them helpless while torturing them,usually to feed their evil deeds,the feeling of being strong over a helpless being like dogs or kittens

Hunters aim to get meat from their prey to eat it or pelts and skins to sell it and earn money or to decorate their house with mounts. They want to feed their wild side,to feel free and to fulfill their role in the wilderness as predators. Since we as humans were also part of wildlife.


Animal abusers iLike to torture animals and to enjoy seeing them suffer,they enjoy to not give them mercy.

Hunters try as much as possible to kill the animal in the most human way possible that doesn't make the animal feel much pain,it takes a few seconds for an animal to die when shot by a rifle or a bow

Can hunting become animal abuse?

Yes,hunting could become animal abuse if done in a wrong way,if a hunter kills animals just for the sake of it and doesn't use any of the animal's body parts,or if he kills animals in an unhuman way (burn them,throw them,etc..) it is animal abuse,if he kills baby animals it is animal abuse,if he doesn't kill the animal and leaves it wounded it is animal abuse.

The Difference between animal abuse and hunting
The Difference between animal abuse and hunting
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