Can you choose up to seven special perks given to you, based on who you already are?

Here's an old Reddit post I did. This is the remastered version of that for GirlsAskGuys. You get these perks based solely on you being...
5 7

Focuses for 2023

1. My physical health. Over the last couple of years I haven’t been in the best shape. I swear I lost 10 pounds because of work...
0 1

MCheetah December 2022 Journal Entry to Vent

This is just a journal entry for me and me alone. I don't expect anyone else to possibly understand it or get it, but writing helps me...
3 6

Habits are a direct factor and link to intelligence

I’ve done some thinking… and after a question I had posed not too long ago, I figured I’d share my conclusive thoughts on the matter....
3 4

The way to unlimited power: do it easy

I recently had an epiphany, and I'm assimilating what it means: As weird as this may sound I have experienced the way of reaching...
1 6

Pointers to drive cars in the correct manner. Common mistakes I have noticed people making. Important points/tips while manoeuvring on slopes.

This myTake is intended for manual cars only. Let's start from the basics. The Steering Angle. Most of the roads are naturally like a...
3 4

God created me. He made me a beautiful and special woman. I will not fake my existence. I will not pretend to be a man. I have no reason to!

I am myself. I live my life true to myself. My female appearance makes me happy. My breasts make me happy. My cute clothes and makeup...
18 37

What addictions have you had?

No matter how minor or severe

Cat or dog person?

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Why are boobs a bigger insecurity than hips for the majority?

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