Live life your way! It's yours's not anyone else's.

I know I'm young but I also know that life is unpredictable. So I'm gona say that life is like a river full of twists and terns, it can...
2 6

The Serious Dangers Of Trusting And Depending On Someone Or Others. Don't Do It.

Introduction: It feels nice thinking and feeling we have people in our corner who will always be there to help us when we need it. The...
2 3

Nature selects: Bunnies Can *Only* Hop, And Here's Why

(Pictures are provided at bottom of the article, so you can see the leg/ foot of a bunny and imagine it walking in a horizontal...
0 2

If someone hates dogs let them be.

As a dog owner, I can't even blame why some people hate dogs. if you're still confused why then I guess I'll list the reasons: 1: They...
1 10

Luck or Hard work: What matters more?

Sometimes you blame yourself for not putting in all the efforts required. The other times all the hard work that you’ve put in seem less...
13 49

Cringe - What is Cringe?

Hello everyone it's dennis, So I was wondering about this word "Cringe" that became so trendy and I was looking it up on the almighty...
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The origin of these terms

Saved by the bell & Graveyard shift When there was a shortage of graves, because a lot of people were being barried, some peoples...
0 2

I have a new DVD and it won't play?

I have two different dvd players, won't play on both. It says on my tv, error wrong regional disc. I don't know what that means, so, I...

How often do cars drive into buildings in your area?

I don’t know what the fuck is going but cars just keep driving into different businesses where I live. My friend just said a car hit the...

What is your zodiac sign?

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What addictions have you had?

No matter how minor or severe

Cat or dog person?

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Is anyone else tired of people disrespecting you?

Like I receive WhatsApp messages from people and they don’t even say hey, or even hey are you? They just ask ask a blunt question.
1 4

🧠 💪 🧠 💪 Grains or Buts 😵‍💫?

Would you rather have guts or brains ? Fearless? Or Genius? You can do anything with zero nerve or Yeah I don't know be limitless but...
2 3

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