More That I Learned About Unconditional Love: Building a Relationship With Yourself Through Facing Fears


<3 <3 I felt a desire to share this just in case there is a chance that it might bring joy to others hearts as well. <3 <3

Experience, bad or good, are short-lived and are only being experienced currently. Unless, you continue to choose to give power to it by overthinking about it, getting stuck on it and choosing to believe it. Only you can mentally/emotionally hurt yourself if you if avoid to acknowledge your own responsibility over your choices made in regards to a fear-based reaction and choosing to avoid understanding your own emotions.

try using this thought processing tool ^^^
try using this thought processing tool ^^^

If your intentions are good, you will seek good energy, you will give your power to good energy for yourself first. Because only you are responsible for yourself. It can be hard, which is why we must reserve our energy for ourselves and not give power and energy to things that don't serve you.

sometimes, same.
sometimes, same.

When we try to hurt others it is because we are hurting within. Forgiveness for ourselves and for others is what softens our hearts towards understanding one another IN ORDER to release bad energy and invite good energy in. Our free will is based on what we choose to let go of and what we choose to invite in. It is always up to us. It is especially critical (pivotal character defining moments) after bad events happen to us. Do we choose to hold onto our courage to find kindness? Understanding that nobody is perfect and everyone is bound to fail... is what humbles us.

Check out Alan Watts talks on youtube or listen to affirmations.
Check out Alan Watts talks on youtube or listen to affirmations.

Don't stay in fear, choose to conquer it. How?

Try viewing Fear as if it were a Dragon. Here are your choices:

> Tame it by understanding it, connecting with it, building a foundation with yourself by learning your strengths and weaknesses, but never give up even if it seems impossible- the end result is you get to dance with the dragon.

> Slay the dragon. You feared it too greatly that you chose to kill it. Maybe it was the last of it's kind, but surely other fearsome creatures will come in different shapes and different challenges. You can continue to keep trying to slay all of them and be left with nothing...

More That I Learned About Unconditional Love: Building a Relationship With Yourself Through Facing Fearsor you can tame and understand each fear and build an empire within to build beyond and on to greater things. Enjoy innocence.

Do you fear yourself? Do you fear life? I believe that choosing unconditional love for yourself will invite you onto this journey towards expanding your soul for a more fulfilling experience from life. Build a relationship based on strength with yourself. Only you get yourself through hard and trying times, loving yourself is practicing compassion and appreciation for yourself. Don't be afraid to face yourself, your truth. Set yourself free

Good luck, Loves <3

More That I Learned About Unconditional Love: Building a Relationship With Yourself Through Facing Fears
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