Should I be worried if my boyfriend follows models/celebrities on Instagram?

I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years and we have a good relationship. Argue rarely and have been pretty stable for most of our relationship. He tells me he loves me pretty much everyday and is always complimentary to me even if I don't take compliments well. I noticed he recently followed some female model/celebrities on Instagram and it kind of bothered me. Part of me thinks I'm overacting and being insecure which I know I am from time to time. He has followed them before over a year ago and I brought it up and he thought I was over reacting a bit and said they're just celebrities, it's like you saying you think some male celebrities are hot etc. Which he is right in saying but for some reason I felt like I struggle with it more. Since he has recently followed a few I haven't said anything but feel a bit annoyed again. Partly because I'm thinking why have I looked to see he has followed them in the first place and also because I am getting insecure again. Should I just ignore this and take it that guys are guys and not take it personally? Or should I be worried? Either I am overacting and being insecure or he needs to respect that it upsets me? Thoughts please - Thanks!
Should I be worried if my boyfriend follows models/celebrities on Instagram?
6 Opinion