
Search Results: guy touches you on your lower back

Hope's Rhyme and Reason

What would life bring If dreams had no hope, Filled with sorrow, and loss, And things of that nature and sort. With goals no taller than Blades of grass. Cut down in the hopes, Like that of a weekly...

The "Role Reversal" argument doesn't work because it's exactly what men want

The reality of the treatment that women receive, the condescension, the objectification, is that it is men projecting onto women how they want to be treated. This is for a number of reasons that I plan to get into here...

Follow this advice and become a CHICK MAGNET over night

Don't be like this douche bag above, please Okay, so you've read all the dating tips online: from pickup artistry to how to double your dating to how to get your dating profile to shine. Everyone says the same thing: "be...

9 Surprising Advantages of Being Short

Recently I feel like there have been a few myTakes and questions on height and the comments are usually a minefield of people citing disadvantages and being bitter about being short. Well, being the optimist I am and...

One Of The Most Powerful Ways To Create Attraction. And It's NOT What You Are Thinking

I've got a juicy one for you guys this time round. If any of you are wondering .. is this really possible?! Can you honestly create attraction even if you don't have the looks, the car, the money? Well you guys...

"Professional" Workouts Without the Gym: Easy Exercises to Do at Work

Are you a workin' girl or guy? Are you confined to a desk all day or something close to it? Do you feel the need to exercise a bit more during the day, though you feel like you cannot? If you answered "yes" to any of...

Beauty Trumps All

I have never been a particularly popular girl, and that never matter to me. I was never shy, just always more of a good book, red wine, little black dress girl, than a dancing on tables, fake nails, house party kind of...

Dating 110: The Art of Seduction

(What Really Matters to a Woman) This is not about manipulation or coercion. It's about how to understand them, and yes, influence the situation to increase the odds in your favour. Some questions that came to mind as I...

Two Words.. Four Syllables.. Twice as Much Misunderstanding, and Three Times as Much Controversy: Double Standards

So before we begin.. It behooves me to admit that I almost feel bad for this. The more I consider this concept, the more misogynistic I feel. I never considered myself a misogynist, and so I'd be disappointing myself...
Home Chats

"Girls Don't Know What They Want [in Relationships]": The Real Reasons Behind This Male-Created Myth

This is the first in a series of articles I'll be writing debunking some commonly-held myths about dating, society and life. Myths are beliefs - widely-held but false and erroneous conclusions. They make sense, they're...

11 Sexy Things Women Do That Drive Men Wild

If you're a woman who is comfortable in her own skin, your confidence level will project itself off to the opposite sex. You will do things, sometimes without realizing that it will drive men absolutely wild! 1. Swaying...

The Art of Seduction

Hey everyone so my next myTake sounds kinda bold but I tried not to make it sexual. Last one How to Be the Guy Nearly Every Girl Wants got mostly positive response so I thought I should write about something else and...

The Dance of Hearts, A Valentine's Special

Love Love is a beautiful thing. When it works, it is amazing and the energy flows. But all too often, it doesn't go as desired. No matter how painful relationships are, we keep going back to find love! We heal up our...

Confessions of A Teenager

I personally, just like any guys, get physically attracted to girls who look good and "have it all". And honestly, I have 2-3 crushes during my primary school period and 2 during my secondary (high school) life....

The Designer Dress And The Cheap Shirt. An Article On 'The Chase' For The Ladies.

Girl meets guy, guy meets girl, primal level attraction. What next? The chase. The juice of the relationship. The icing on the cake. If we sum up the theory of the chase up into a single word, it would be ‘patience‘....

The Age of Men is Over - Part I

The Death of the 20th Century Man Or is it? It's been many years since I watched The Lord of the Rings, Return of the King for the first time in theatres, and to this day I...

The Most Influential Black People in the United States of America (Final Part)

Today, on February 28th, 2021, is the final day of Black History Month in the United States of America. This is the fourth, and final edition of the series. Click on the following links if you want to see part three ,...

Makeup: Less Is More. A natural you, A Better You

How many of you have dealt with this following scenario: So you are putting eyeliner on and...woops it is a little too thick...crap! You have somewhere to be and starting over isn't an option so you just go with it. By...

Strict parents 101: How to secretly wear clothes you want to wear

Strict parents, gotta love 'em right? So, before I moved out and made my life my own, I used to live with my very strict West-Asian parents. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate them, but they caused me so much stress. That...