
Search Results: guys' weak spots

Where are guys' weak spots? To turn him on while making out?

As the title states - where are the weak spots on you guys? Ears? Neck? How can I turn a guy on while making out by touching his weak spots?
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If you've asked guys if they're ticklish and then tried, have u had this happen also?

This girl asked me if I was ticklish and I just said nope. Then like 2 seconds later I feel the touch of all 5 of her fingernails directly on my upper ribs and I just gasped, sucked in air because of the touch of her...
This girl asked me if I was ticklish and I just said nope. Then like 2 seconds later I feel the touch of all 5 of her fingernails directly on my upper ribs and I just gasped, sucked in Show More
Never happened for me
Yeah, same spot, his upper ribs
Yeah, but he just cringed, he didn't cover that spot afterwards
Yeah, his middle ribs
Yeah, his abs
Yup. Lower sides
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Guys, do all men have a soft spot for women?

Because they’re seen as the weaker, more caring and gentler sex. Would you treat them with the same level of hostility as you would with other men? Do you feel worse seeing a woman in distress than you do seeing a man in...
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7 Things Guys Should Absolutely Never Do or Say To Other Guys

I got shit for my last Take. So I've decided to a vice versa, to even things out. 1: Body Shaming Yeah, just like girls, boys get body shamed. In fact, I feel like boys get the most crap about their bodies nowadays....

Why I, As A Guy, Don't Like Having Mostly Male Co-Workers

Might be strange to hear, and even when I tell this to some women on my job they think it’s strange too, but it is the truth for me, yeah. But it’s really only the case when I’m working in a very male-dominated job...

How to spot an asshole

The fun chancer The fun chancer is your BEST friend - as long as you’re having fun. Like you laugh about the same things, you meet cause you coincidentally have time. But he gets bored real soon. For a time, you’re close....

Why do you girls hit our nuts?

Me and my friend were talking one day, and it got me wondering... why do girls hit guys in the nuts? Everywhere you see it: Guys being mercilessly kicked in their delicate organs by an upset girl. (The very thought is...
Me and my friend were talking one day, and it got me wondering... why do girls hit guys in the nuts? Everywhere you see it: Guys being mercilessly kicked in their delicate organs by an Show More
I have hit a guy in the balls in self-defense
I have hit a guy in the balls by accident
I have hit a guy in the balls for bothering me
I have hit a guy in the balls for fun
I have never hit a guy in the balls.
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Throw A Player A Twig But Give A Trunk To The Shy Guy. An Article On Shy Men For The Ladies

SHYMEN101. Pow. I know the aggressive males are so appealing to a female, because it fits the media or propaganda projected image of what a man ought to be. You get one, and too often their brains are just full of jello....

4 Cheap Phone Number Tricks Women Try That Guys Should Look Out For

This Take is meant more for guys who don’t have a lot of experience with females, don’t really get out there often and try to talk to them, or guys who are young and just starting to mingle with them in terms of trying to...

Girls at which age u know the balls are sensitive & how?

At which age u found that guys balls are weak spot & how? Did you ever think a guy was exaggerating? How many times if ever have you hit a guy there?
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3 mo

What would you do if the old man you rejected did this to you?

My question is for girls, but guys, please let me know. What would you do if an old man who rejected your love struck you at your weak spot to take revenge on you when you were depressed?
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Girls, my girlfriend thinks I HAVE to help her defend herself? Am I going crazy?

So, my girlfriend has been scared recently about being attacked on the street. I won’t go into details, but she got scared and started researching women’s self-defense blogs on the internet. Of course, being a supporting...
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Anybody else here love how Donald Trump can make an absolute mockery of his political opponents? Is Ron Desantis toast right now? Can he even debate?

I’m sure you’ll remember when Trump mocked Mike Bloomberg. Who spent over $2 billion dollars on a Presidential race, the most money on a Presidential run in United States history yet still lost miserably. Trump spared no...
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Do you agree that the word incel has become meaningless, and is used as a knee-jerk response any time a woman doesn’t like something a man says?

Slinging “incel” around as some sort of dreaded label everyone is afraid of has completely lost its meaning and can be spotted from miles away as an attempt at shutting down and deflecting any criticism leveled at...
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Is this stalking?

So this guy's a distant friend of family and all this started because I had glanced over at him from across the room when I was 16 (he was 20 then). Ever since he'd kinda stare for a couple of seconds when he saw me and I...
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Do Goth Women date Black American men?

Despite America's history with enslaving black people for profite. There exists this underlying notion that it's still forbidden and even frowned upon for white women to date black men! With the only exception to the rule...
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Home Chats

"Why I Push Women Away": How One Man's Personal Revelation Linked Back to His Father's Affair

This is the real-life story of one man, and his journey to discover why he leaves. I listened to this last night, found it very interesting, and thought I'd share it with you today. "Why did I leave?" "Why did I lose...

How To Put Your Girl In Her Place...Respect Yourself First

**Putting Your Girl In Her Place** Catchy title, right? Do you have to constantly put your girl in her place when she freaks out on you? I've seen this topic discussed on gag a couple times now, and men seem to have...

Being handsome or beautiful is not something like most people think

If you are really handsome or beautiful you are doomed for loneliness. I'm not talking about finding girlfriend or boyfriend i'm talking about friendship. When you are handsome most of your guy friends will be really...