Girls, my girlfriend thinks I HAVE to help her defend herself? Am I going crazy?

So, my girlfriend has been scared recently about being attacked on the street. I won’t go into details, but she got scared and started researching women’s self-defense blogs on the internet. Of course, being a supporting boyfriend, I went along and talked to her about it. Eventually she asked to practice takedowns on me. Like twisting free when you’re grabbed from behind.

It all went downhill when she wanted to practice striking. I told her to be gentle and she said that my request “wasn’t realistic”. So, I said “ok.” And she started trying jabbing my stomach and she was actually not going that hard. Out of nowhere she jabbed my throat, then when I started to protest, she kicked me in my soft spot.

It wasn't hard but obviously… it doesn't need to be. I started tearing up from the pain in my soft spot, and all she did was thanked me and laid on the couch while I was crumpled on the floor.

The next week she asked to do it again and I gave her a hard “NO”. She flipped out on me, accusing me of not helping her feel safe. She also said how I was a crybaby last time because she didn't hit that hard. She kept saying how, as a boyfriend, I should be supportive and how I don’t understand because I’m not a girl. Dont get me wrong, I’m very sympathetic to how girls must feel because they’re smaller and weaker than most guys.

Honestly, I’m not sure what to think anymore. Who’s in the right? I want her to not be scared again and she can’t join any classes right now cuz of COVID. But she has to walk alone for work purposes. So I said okay. Same thing happened again where she practiced throwing kicks at my soft spot. Again, I cried from all the pain down there but I felt good about supporting her. But I’m still not sure what is really true? Do girls think my girlfriend is doing the right thing (as a girl)?
Girls, my girlfriend thinks I HAVE to help her defend herself? Am I going crazy?
4 Opinion