4 Cheap Phone Number Tricks Women Try That Guys Should Look Out For


This Take is meant more for guys who don’t have a lot of experience with females, don’t really get out there often and try to talk to them, or guys who are young and just starting to mingle with them in terms of trying to date someone. So I want to offer some tips for you fellas to be aware of when it comes to trying to get a girl’s number. Yes, we know “not all women” do this, but these situations are still common enough to share with you guys.

4 Cheap Phone Number Tricks Women Try That Guys Should Look Out For

These days I guess I am just so angry with so many dudes who are weak, simpy, and not having knowledge about how women do things in our modern world, and it’s why they end up feeling hurt or burned later on. I can’t blame all of these guys because even I've been in that place in the past, and because some really haven’t been taught much by their parents and are only learning cheesy ways of socializing or interacting with women from their peers who are still on a high school level of thinking. However, most guys are going to experience some kind of situation with a female that makes them - hopefully - learn from it. I have. And once you do you know how to go from there.

So I think it’s important that a lot of these guys learn about these kinds of things instead of ranting about MGTOW and RedPill. Just become wiser and perceptive in interacting with women, and not be afraid to confront them about what they’re doing, instead of making videos about all the latest whores and feminist bologna. Yes, these women exist and are active, but it’s more important for a guy to be aware of what they’re doing on the daily and how to deal with that upfront than to be angry about it later on.

Writing your number down instead of putting it in their phone

Ah, yes. The good ol’ pen-and-paper trick, and one that is definitely common with chicks. If you’re really into a woman and you have the opportunity to ask for her number, especially if you’re a guy who needed to muster up that courage for quite a while, sometimes women will try a mind trick - if you’re not on your game and not paying attention - where they will spin it and try to ask you for your number instead, and then write it down and play it like you applied for a retail job and the manager is telling you “Okay, we’ll give you a call.”

4 Cheap Phone Number Tricks Women Try That Guys Should Look Out For

When women do this, they have absolutely no intention of texting or calling you at all. Which is why they wrote your number down and didn’t put it in their phone, and why they didn’t give you theirs when you asked. After you walked away, they most likely already threw that piece of paper in the trash with your number on it.

Giving you a false number

Another famous trick in the book is a girl giving you a false number, although maybe not as common anymore since a lot of girls know the guy is going to figure it out pretty soon. The ones who give fake numbers are often times the ones who know they aren’t ever going to see that guy again, like if they met in some kind of social scene, at the mall, on a trip, etc. But sometimes if it is a girl you'll see often like a co-worker or classmate, and you ask her why she gave you a wrong number, some girls will literally try to play stupid and say, "I did? Here let me give it to you again," or even make up a story that their phone service has been acting weird.

If a girl ever does give you a number, always call it right in front of her to make sure it’s really hers. Put her on the spot so you know right then and there whether she’s bullshitting or being legit.

Asking for your number when you ask for theirs

Closely related to the first cheap trick I discussed is this other one. Sometimes if you ask a woman for her number, she will ask you for yours but instead of writing it down, she will put it in her phone but not call or text you. She’ll just say something like, “Cool, thanks” or “I’ll let you know” just to make you think something might happen instead of calling your number or sending some kind of ‘hello’ text right then and there to let you know she can connect to you like most people do as confirmation when exchanging numbers.

4 Cheap Phone Number Tricks Women Try That Guys Should Look Out For

They will do this so that they have your number but you still don’t have theirs. Again, they have absolutely no intention of ever reaching out to you or wanting to go on a date. Sometimes they also collect your number in situations like these so they can try to do reconn on you: if they’re on social media, they will try to look you up by your phone number or let social media automatically sync their contacts so they can snoop on your FB, Instagram, etc. page just to see what they can find out about you or who else you might be connected to.

Turning off Read receipts

So maybe you finally did get her number, or can communicate with her through social media DMs. This is where things can be funny because some girls purposely turn off read receipts on their phone or in their app’s message settings. You may text her but can’t see if she read it, because she obviously doesn’t want you to know she did. I can tell you that 99% of the time, girls are reading all their messages, some really fast, and others a little later.

4 Cheap Phone Number Tricks Women Try That Guys Should Look Out For

Either way, they are always reading them but don’t want some people to know that, especially if it’s a guy. They think that if you saw that she read your message, it’s going to give you hope or excitement, or make you want to keep hitting her with texts. And then other times, a girl will still have read receipts enabled and wants you to see that she read it and leave you on it just to be malicious if she wants to manipulate you or try to break you, especially if she knows you want her so bad.

Make no mistake. A girl who really, really likes you and is glad to have your number and glad to have communication with you will not be annoyed by you texting her, nor will she try to do covert things with her settings if you’re the only guy she’s talking to.

Be wise

Just pay attention to what’s going on when you’re asking a girl for her number. Don’t get so excited by the situation seeming to actually happen to the point where you’re getting duped and don’t realize it. And if something is fishy, honestly, do not be afraid to confront the girl about it. Be playful and say something like “Aw, man, you’re not going to give me a fake number are you?” or “Hey, I still don’t have your number but you have mine.” Simply showing that you’re aware of what’s happening in the situation is enough to lightly frighten the girl because she expects you not to catch on, and when you do she knows she can’t bullshit you now.

So I hope these tips will be helpful for some of you first learners out there. Namaste, and good luck.


4 Cheap Phone Number Tricks Women Try That Guys Should Look Out For
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