Anybody else here love how Donald Trump can make an absolute mockery of his political opponents? Is Ron Desantis toast right now? Can he even debate?


I’m sure you’ll remember when Trump mocked Mike Bloomberg. Who spent over $2 billion dollars on a Presidential race, the most money on a Presidential run in United States history yet still lost miserably. Trump spared no second mocking the ever living sh*t out of him after he dropped out of the race.

And now we have Trump mocking Ron Desantis for dropping into third place.

But honestly I don’t even feel bad for Ron Desantis because the guy is a traitor #1, and had no chance of winning his race until Trump endorsed him.

And he’s kind of overrated anyway. I like what he’s doing in Florida but I just cannot in good faith bring myself to support someone who is a traitor. Especially a traitor to Trump.

The GOP was at a crisis point and had barely any public support before Trump got involved. McCain and Romney were trash and lost big to Obama.

And Bush wasted a bunch of taxpayer money on protracted wars. He killed the public’s confidence in the GOP which Trump was able to restore.

Anyway, Trump is our guy and I hope he does dodge the GOP debates.

The RNC is clearly very biased against him and is trying to do everything in their power to take him down.

But I’m not sure how Desantis would do at a debate. Would he emerge in a stronger or weaker position?

I like Vivek Ramaswamy and if he were to have a good performance I’d say he would be well positioned to potentially become Trump’s VP.

But either way Desantis is also f*cked because his whole debate strategy leaked and it’s probably going to make him seem disenguine.

Anybody else here love how Donald Trump can make an absolute mockery of his political opponents? Is Ron Desantis toast right now? Can he even debate?
6 Opinion