
Search Results: why he gave up so easily

Why guys don't respect you or want you as girlfriend material

This myTake is for females but I will be posting "Why girls don't respect you" in the next series. If you are easily offended, please click away. But I do believe that this might give you insight in your quest for a...

Why I Hate Coffee

These are reasons on why I absolutely hate coffee. 1. Bitterness Coffee by default is a bitter drink. Its bitterness is the reason why I initially avoided coffee at all cost. Then, I read in one book of The...

Why Doesn't My Food Look Like That?

If you've ever seen any food commercial for something like the burger above, any cookbook, or any other advertisement for food, you've no doubt wondered at some point why either what you got from the store or fast food...

Compatibility... Why Some Opposites Attract And Others Implode

Based on my study of psychology, long observation and my own experience, I come to present you with a finding which will aid you in choosing an ideal partner. Or at lest give you some ideas about compatibility. Along with...

Top 5 Reasons Why Men Lose Interest Immediately

The other day I received an email from a 20-something woman asking my thoughts on why this guy she had been seeing might have suddenly lost interest. She explained her story and how he seemed very interested during the...

Girls, which of these guys would you rather date? (And why?)

"The Gentle Giant" Arms big enough to bend steel girders. Even the "bad boys" lower their gaze and make room for him as he enters a room. But he's soft spoken, and a tender soul, who would never harm a fly. He cries at...

100 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

Hello, my name is MissNowhere and I'm obsessed with dogs. As the ultimate animal lover that I am, I've ALWAYS loved animals, especially dogs, way more than people. That will never ever change. Unfortunately I don't have a...

Why Donald Trump is the Worst Choice for President in Recent History

First off let me say that I am not a democrat or a conservative. I actually am a pretty even 50/50 on my beliefs. I don't believe in slanderous false material nor liberal/conservative media. So all of this, is done...

Advice For Up & Coming Young Women (Trigger Warning) 🥒🥒🥒👌

Remember this is just advice, you can choose to ignore it in an adult way. 1. Never cheat& never be with a cheater. There is never a reason to cheat when you are in a relationship, if you are unhappy leave, tripping &...

Why "Playing Hard to Get" or sending "Mixed Signals" doesn't really work.

Definition of "Playing Hard to Get" : to pretend that one is not interested in having a romantic or sexual relationship with someone in order to make that person more attracted to them. Definition of "Sending Mixed...

Why you should never let men spend money on you too soon!

I'm sure we have all heard a guy complain that he bought a girl something or took her to dinner and didn't get laid right? He'll throw out words like "bitch" and "whore" behind her back and yet still try and go out with...

Living Life With High Intelligence: Not All It's Cracked Up To Be

Here's a fact most people here don't know about me: I'm what most people refer to as "highly gifted." It's not something I always like to mention, but I thought I would write a myTake about it. When most people think of...

Top 8 reasons Why and Why Not to Date a Princess

Ok so i did a my take about my top traits in a guy i find attractive and someone commented saying what makes you so great princess? what do you have to offer? so gave me a great idea to make a take on pros and cons of...

Guest Feature: Expert April Masini Explains Why Nice Guys Finish Last

Brief intro from GirlsAskGuys Team: We welcome noted relationship and etiquette expert April Masini ; she began her career as a relationship advice columnist in 2003 and has been featured in The Los Angeles Times, US...

3 Big Reasons Why I Can't See Myself As a Vegetarian

I've thought about becoming vegetarian and I've considered the reasons people have given. It's more humane, we don't need meat in our diets, etc. Meat eaters are bashed and don't have morals; those who don't eat meat are...

Why Do Mosquitos Bite Some People More!

You must be asking this question many times to yourself if you are also belong to this group. You may wonder why they don't bite others even you were in the same room. And that make you think more about this question....

Why & How Men Need to Rise

These days, there are two powerful groups tearing society apart, the Left-wing and the Religious. Both of those sides have beliefs that are harmful to men, our Freedom, and to scientific progress. The Left-wing has...

5 Reasons Why People Should Accept Gun Law Worldwide There is a lot of discussion lately about gun-law being abolished. But why? Guns are not evil by default. There are just people who are gunphobics. And as another form of...

Arguments Against Romance Novels And Why They Are Stupid Sarah Maclean posted this on twitter and it is glorious. I will proceed most carefully. Romance writers and fellow romance readers please don't kill if I screw...

3 Reasons Why I Don't Really Care About A Guy's Looks

Since I was a little girl, I have never been attracted to guys who are considered "sexy", "hot" or "attractive" by our society's conventional standards of beauty. When I was eight, I had a huge crush on Bill Nye from the...